  • 1 # Metalslug20



    Everybody knows that the earth turns around the sun. 人人知道地球繞著太陽轉。

    The crocodile turned and swam back to the bank. 鱷魚轉身向河岸游去。


    He turned the sock inside out. 他把襪子的內層翻了出來。

    This hot weather has turned the milk. 這炎熱的天氣使牛奶變酸了。


    The leaves are turning brown. 葉子正在變黃。

    The weather has turned cold. 天氣變冷了。


    Take the second turn on the left. 在左邊第二個轉彎處拐彎。

    It's your turn to read now. 現在輪到你讀了。


    1. by turns"輪流;交替"。如:

    We kept watch by turns. 我們輪流守望。

    2. in turn與turn in含義不同:前者屬介詞短語,意為"依次;輪流";後者屬動詞短語,意為"交出;上交"。試比較:

    The children got on the train in turn. 孩子們依次上了火車。

    Turn in your papers, please. 請把試卷交上來。

    3. turn into與turn ... into含義不同:前者意為"變成",其中的turn是不及物動詞;後者意為"使......變成",其中的turn是及物動詞。試比較:

    He has turned into a nice boy after all. 他最終變成了一個不錯的孩子。

    We can turn a liquid into a gas. 我們能使液體變成氣體。

    4. turn down"關小點兒(些)"。如:

    Please turn down the television. 請把電視機的聲音關小點兒。

    5. turn up"將(音量、煤氣等)調大些"。如:

    Turn the radio (a little) up so that the students at the back can also hear clearly. 請將收音機音量(稍微)開大點,以便後排的學生也能聽清楚。

    6. turn off"關閉(水源、煤氣、電燈等);開除;解僱;辭退等"。如:

    Don't forget to turn all the lights off before you go to bed. 你上床之前,不要忘記把所有的燈都關上。

    She turned the boy off for misconduct. 她把那個男孩子開除了,因為他行為不端。

    7. turn on"開啟(電燈、自來水、無線電等)"。如:

    Turn on the gas and light the oven. 轉動煤氣開關點燃烤箱。

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