  • 1 # 使用者9760298308297

    Spider-man is a superhero film directed by American director Sam raimi.Based on marvel comics, it stars tobey maguire and kirsten dunst.It premiered in the United States on May 3, 2002.The film focuses on a student named Peter parker who is bitten by a genetically modified spider.Armed with superhuman powers, he vows to fight crime with his superpowers.

  • 2 # 丘位元的箭在我這

    When I watched the film《spider-man》,it give me a deep impressed. The main host peter who is handsome and brave. He helped so many people who is need others help.

    If we were him,whether we can sacrificed our love and friendship and even our study . In our life,people afraid of helping others and get into trouble.

    Although we can not use special abilities like peter ,we can also try our best to help people. For example ,if we see some thieves to stolen people's wallet,we can shout to make the thieves hurries.

    If we can contribute our love-heart,our society will become more and more warmth. People can make getting along well.






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