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      假如你叫周明,在光明中學讀書,在學習英語的過程中你遇到一些問題,想得到老師的幫助。現在你給英語老師寫一封求助信,內容如下:    字數: 120左右。   Dear teacher,   My name is Zhou Ming. I’m writing a letter to you to ask for some help. I have met much difficulty in learning English. First, I find our texts full of new words that are very difficult for me to remember. Besides, the texts are too long for me to recite. What’s more, grammar is also very difficult to learn.   Faced with so much difficulty, I have to ask you for some help. Would you like to introduce to us some good ways to learn new words so that we can remember them more easily? In the meanwhile, I beg you to teach the text more slowly so that the average students can easily follow you. Also, I would like you to introduce some rules and good ways to learn grammar.   I’m sure that I can make great progress in my English study with your help.   點評: 介紹自己在英語學習中所遇到的問題和需要向老師求助的角度時作者均能圍繞生詞、課文、語法三個角度進行,文章脈絡清晰,條理清楚,有較強的層次感。First, Besides, What’s more, In the meanwhile. Also等過渡性詞彙的準確貼切使用使文章敘述更合理,思路更清晰,邏輯更嚴密,體現出作者文筆的老煉與成熟。Would you like to, beg sb. to do sth., would like sb. to do sth., I’m sure等委婉句型的使用體現出作者的謙虛客氣,誠懇樸實,並使文意顯得情感濃烈,真實感人。表達現階段在英語學習上遇到的困難時作者使用一般現在時表達文意,符合求助信的時態特點。定語從句、目的狀語從句、賓語從句等高階表達方式的運用增強了文章的表達效果,提高了文章的表達檔次。     【寫法總結】   1.正確把握時態,保證語言準確性   寫英文求助信的原因就是目前自己在某一角度存在困難,因此應用一般現在時表達文意,當然描繪自己得到幫助後的進步時應用一般將來時表達文意。同學們一定要牢記求助信的這些時態特點,並增強錯誤防範意識,養成錯誤防範習慣,確保語言準確性。   2.熟悉常用句型,提高文章整體美感   寫英文求助信時首先得做自我介紹,此時可用My name is ... . I’m writing to you for some help.或I’m writing a letter to you to get some help.句型。接著可簡要交待自己所面臨的困難,可用I have met much difficulty in ... .句型。請求對方做某事時可用Would you like to ... so that ...? In the meanwhile / At the same time, I beg you to ... so that ... . Also, I would like you to ... .等句型。展望獲得幫助後自己的進步時可用I’m sure with your help I can make great progress.句型。這些句型不但使用頻率高,而且語氣委婉,態度謙恭,符合求助信的語言特點。   3.貼切使用過渡性詞彙,提高文章邏輯性   列舉自己所碰到的困難時可用first, besides, what’s more等過渡性詞彙。請求對方提供一系列幫助時可用in the meanwhile, at the same time, in addition, also等過渡性詞彙。這些過渡性詞彙是英文求助信特色過渡性詞彙,應增強使用意識,養成使用習慣。   4.適當使用高階表達方式,提高文章表達檔次   寫英文求助信時除使用常規高階詞句之外,還可重點考慮幾處高階表達方式。表達“面臨巨大困難,所以只好求助”時可用現在分詞做狀語句型Facing so much difficulty, I have to ask you for some help.也可使用過去分詞做狀語句型Faced with so much difficulty, I have to ask for your help.表達請求對方幫助以便自己能夠有所進步時可在一、二處地方使用so that或in order that引導的目的狀語從句。這個句型非常好,有很大的表達容量,它既可表達求助內容,又能表達對方實施幫助後的作用,可謂一舉兩得。但必須注意的是,僅僅懂得這一點還不夠,同學們一定要下定決心,強化意識,非把這一句型用上去不可。

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