  • 1 # 511個月的寶寶


    1) 一些表示數量的名詞與of 搭配形成量詞

    There are a number of possible solutions. 有幾個可能的解決方案。

    The students will have plenty of time for fun after the final exam. 期終考試後學生會有很多時間玩樂。

    It is important for your body to receive a sufficient amount of sunlight. 讓身體接收足量的Sunny很重要。

    Finally I decided to stay there for a couple of days. 最後我決定呆在那裡幾天。


    a lot of 許多

    a small amount of 少量

    a good/great many of 大量,很多

    a great quantity of 大量,很多

    a small quantity of 少量

    a heap of 很多,一大堆

    a ton of 大量

    這些名詞中有些可以用複數形式來表示“大量”的意思,如: lots of; numbers of; heaps of; tons of; quantities of

    Lot of crude oil was exported from this country in the last three years. 過去3年中這個國家出口了大量原油。

    We have heaps of work to do. 我們有許多工作要做。

    2) 一些名詞與 of 搭配表示少量

    I think she might have lost a bit of weight. 我想她體重可能減輕了一些。

    Put a pinch of sugar in the coffee. 在咖啡里加一小撮糖。

    This room will look better with a spot of paint. 加上一點油彩可以讓這個房間增色不少。

    There isn't a grain of truth in his statement. 他的聲明裡沒有一點是真實的。

    3) 一些表示容器的名詞與of搭配表示數量,如:

    a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡

    a box of candy 一盒糖果

    a can of beer 一罐啤酒

    a bag of wheat 一袋小麥

    a bowl of rice 一碗飯

    a bottle of wine一瓶葡萄酒

    a bucket of water 一桶水

    a spoon of salt 一匙鹽

    a glass of lemon一杯檸檬汁

    a pack of cigarettes 一包香菸

    a pot of jam 一罐果汁

    a basket of apples 一筐蘋果

    a tube of toothpaste 一根牙膏


    a spoonful of soup 一匙湯

    a basketful of vegetables 一籃子蔬菜

    4) “名詞 + of”有時表示一群人或一群動物,如:

    a group of children 一群小孩

    a gang of workers 一夥工人

    a troop of soldiers 一隊士兵

    a flock of sheep一群羊

    a swarm/cloud of locusts 一大群蝗蟲

    a herd of elephants 一群大象

    5) 還可用一些表示形狀的名詞與of搭配, 透過這些物體的形狀、大小來表示量的多少。

    He bury himself under a mountain of papers all day. 他整天專心研看大量論文。

    A thread of light emerged from the keyhole. 從鑰匙孔透出一線亮光。

    Streams of cars were driving into the city every day. 每天都有長串長串的汽車開進城裡去。

  • 2 # 墨慢寶

    of+名詞"具有多種型別,用法複雜.本文將對"0f+名詞"結構的多種型別進行較為詳細的歸類和解析. 1."be+of+抽象名詞"相當於該名詞相對應的形容詞.


    例1: People of similar ageare easy to be friends.


    例2: Balls of same colorwill be taken away.


    此類名詞還有: size/height/length/weight/shape/quality 等。

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