  • 1 # 風度翩翩的老馬

    《talk》是由Why Don't We演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於專輯《Talk》中。




    歌曲原唱Why Don't We


    It's not just me, no, you feel it too
      不僅是我 不 你也感同身受
      You know and I know, we lost the lotto'
      你我心知肚曉 我們迷失在這局LOTTO
      It's like our love cut the line in two
      We're on different sides though, lost in the echo
      我們各處異方 迷失在回聲中
      Our lips are moving, they're makin' words
      我們的唇齒張合 形成言語Words turn to riddles, we make it worse
      話語成迷 我們讓一切變得更加糟糕
      'Cause I'm not listening, and you're not listening, no
      因為我心不在焉 你也無心傾聽 不
      We try to fix it, it never works
      我們嘗試重修舊好 卻於事無補
      We go, breaking up like cell phones
      我們走了 我們就像這部手機般支離破碎
      When I speak, 'cause you don't listen when I talk
      當我說話 你不放心上
      Dial tone, nothing but that high note
      撥號音 不過是“嘟 嘟 嘟——”的單調高音
      When you speak 'cause I don't listen when you talk
      當你言語 我覺得索然無味
      Ooh, yeah, don't think we'll ever get better, better
      哦 是的 不認為我們會變得更好
      Gets worse with every letter, letter
      Dial tone, nothing but that high note
      撥號音 無非音高
      On repeat 'cause we don't listen when we talk
      不斷重複 因為我們互不傾聽
      If we could speak like we're trying to
      Share conversation, communication
      I'm hearing me and you're hearing you
      On different islands, just sounds of silence
      在不同島嶼 僅有寂靜之音
      Our lips are moving, they're makin' words (oh)
      我們的唇齒張合 吐出了話語 (哦)
      Words turn to riddles, we make it worse (oh)
      話語成迷 我們讓情況變得更糟 (哦)
      'Cause I'm not listening, (I'm not listening) and you're not listening, (you're not listening) no
      因為我不聽(我沒聽) 你也不聽(你沒聽) 不
      We try to fix it, it never works (hey!)
      我們試圖重修舊好 卻杯水車薪 (嘿!)
      We go, breaking up like cell phones
      我們離開 體無完膚宛若那崩裂的手機
      When I speak, 'cause you don't listen when I talk
      當我言語 你不傾聽
      Dial tone, nothing but that high note
      撥號音 不過是“嘟 嘟 嘟——”的刺耳高音
      When you speak 'cause I don't listen when you talk
      當你誇誇其談 我興致不高
      Ooh, yeah, don't think we'll ever get better, better
      哦 是的 別以為我們會變得更好 更好
      Gets worse with every letter, letter
      Dial tone, nothing but that high note
      撥號音 無非音高
      On repeat 'cause we don't listen when we talk
      不斷重複 因為我們互不傾聽
      Our lips are moving, they're making words (they're making words)
      我們的唇齒張合 形成言語(字字珠璣)
      Words turn to riddles, we make it worse
      話語成迷 我們讓一切變得更加糟糕
      'Cause I'm not listening, (you're not listening) and you're not listening, no
      因為我不聽(你也不聽) 你不聽 不
      We try to fix it, it never works (oh)
      我們嘗試重修舊好 卻於事無補
      We go, breaking up like cell phones
      我們走了 我們就像這部手機般支離破碎
      When I speak, 'cause you don't listen when I talk
      當我說話 你不放心上
      Dial tone, nothing but that high note
      撥號音 不過是“嘟 嘟 嘟——”的單調高音
      When you speak 'cause I don't listen when you talk
      當你言語 我覺得索然無味
      Listen when you talk, yeah
      在你侃侃而談之際認真傾聽 耶
      Ooh, yeah, don't think we'll ever get better, better (don't think we'll ever get better, yeah)
      哦 耶 不認為我們會變得更好(別以為我們會變得更好)
      Gets worse with every letter, letter (worse with every letter)
      Dial tone, nothing but that high note (nothing but that high note)
      不過是“嘟 嘟 嘟——”的刺耳高音(無非音高)
      All I think is we don't listen when we talk (don't listen when we talk)

  • 2 # 知情達理海浪A

    是由Why Don't We演唱的一首歌,收錄於《Talk》專輯

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