  • 1 # 或許很近

    難以觸碰 這塵封的秘密

    無法隱藏 這場地的記憶

    抉擇之路 現在已經被開啟

    而我們 是否與宿命相遇


    So it is the time now


    The time for you and me


    to come back to life


    When everything has fallen apart


    Now it is the time


    So it is the time now


    The time for you and me


    to make our choice


    Just Giving up


    or standing up and fight


    Conquer the fear


    Cause we do the fight



    現實之中 還交織著夢境

    掙脫命運 我捍衛著正義

    羈絆秘密 終究會被察覺

    彼此的視線 充斥著決絕


    So it is the time now


    The time for you and me


    to come back to life


    When everything has fallen apart


    Now it is the time


    So it is the time now


    The time for you and me


    to make our choice


    Just Giving up


    or standing up and fight


    Conquer the fear


    Cause we do the fight


    Cause we do the fight


    So it is the time

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 50後心酸的句子?