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      If the hero never comes to you  如果你的真命天子仍未來到  If you need someone you're feeling blue  如果你情緒低落需要有人陪伴  If you wait for love and you're alone  如果你離愛遙遠,孑然一人  If you call your friends and nobody's home  如果你打電話給朋友卻沒有一人在家  You can run away but you can't hide  你可以逃開卻不可以隱藏  Through a storm and through a lonely night  經歷了風暴忍受了孤獨  Then I show you there's a destiny  我要讓你知道每人都有他的命運  The best things in life  一生中最美的事  They're free  那就是自由  But if you wanna cry  如果你想哭  Cry on my shoulder  靠著我的肩膀  If you need someone who cares for you  如果你需要關懷你的人  If you're feeling sad your heart gets colder  如果你感到悲傷心漸漸變冷  Yes I show you what real love can do  我會讓你知道真愛的力量  If your sky is grey oh let me know  如果你的天空灰沉沉的,哦,要告訴我  There's a place in heaven where we'll go  天堂總有一塊我們要投奔的樂土  If heaven is a million years away  如果天堂離我們有百萬年遠  Oh just call me and I make your day  哦,只要來個電話 讓我與你相約  When the nights are getting cold and blue  當夜變冷變深  When the days are getting hard for you  當日子變得艱難  I will always stay here by your side  我會一直陪在你身邊  I promise you I'll never hide  我向你承諾,我不會躲藏  But if you wanna cry  如果你想哭  Cry on my shoulder  靠著我的肩膀  If you need someone who cares for you  如果你需要關懷你的人  If you're feeling sad your heart gets colder  如果你感到悲傷心漸漸變冷  Yes I show you what real love can do  我會讓你知道真愛的力量  But if you wanna cry  如果你想哭  Cry on my shoulder  靠著我的肩膀  If you need someone who cares for you  如果你需要關懷你的人  If you're feeling sad your heart gets colder  如果你感到悲傷心漸漸變冷  Yes I show you what real love can do  我會讓你知道真愛的力量  What real love can do  真愛的力量  What love can do  愛的力量

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