  • 1 # 511個月的寶寶

    1. be disappointed 後接介詞,情況比較,大致區別如下:

    (1) 表示對某人感到失望,通常用介詞 with, in。如:

    I’m disappointed in you! How could you have lied likethat? 你讓我失望了,你怎麼能像那樣說謊呢?

    My parents will be disappointed in [with] me if I failin the exam. 要是我考試不及格,我父母會對我感到失望的。

    (2) 表示對某一行為(doing sth)感到失望,通常用介詞 at, about等。如:

    We are all disappointed at [about] his failure. 我們都為他的失敗而感到失望。zn

    He was really disappointed about [at] not being able togo. 他未能去成實在感到失望。

    (3) 表示對某一事實或情況感到失望,一般用介詞 with, at, in 等。如:

    He’s disappointed at [in] the result. 他對結果感到失望。

    He must be very disappointed with [at, about] your examresults. 他對你的考試成績一定非常失望。

    (4) 表示因得不到某東西或實現不了某願望而失望,通常用介詞of。如:

    I was disappointed of the car. 沒等到車子我感到很失望。

    He was disappointed of his ambition. 他因實現不了抱負而沮喪。

    2. be disappointed 後接不定式。如:考試大論壇

    He was disappointed to hear the news. 聽到這訊息他很失望。

    I was disappointed not to be chosen. 我沒被選中,感到很沮喪。

    3. be disappointed 後接 that 從句。如:

    We were disappointed that you couldn’t come. 你不能來我們感到很失望。

    I’m rather disappointed that he should get the post. 他竟會得到這個職位,我感到很失望。

    4. 比較 disappointing & disappointed:

    (1) disappointing 表示“令人失望的”,通常用於事物給人的感覺。如:

    What disappointing weather! 天氣真叫人失望!

    Your work is really disappointing. 你的工作真是令人失望。


    The boy was very disappointing. 這男孩很令人失望。

    (2) disappointed 表示“失望的”、“感到失望的”,通常用以說明“人”自己的感覺。如:

    She looks disappointed. 她看起來很失望。

    I am very disappointed with my new bike. 我對我的新腳踏車感到很失望。

    若用於修飾 voice, look, expression, appearance, manner等名詞,則表示與之相關名詞的邏輯主語感到失望。比較:

    We noticed a disappointing look on his face. 我們注意到他臉上一種令人失望的表情。(“他”並不失望,但見了他表情的人會失望)

    We noticed a disappointed look on his face. 我們注意到他臉上有一種失望的表情。(感到失望的是“他”,不是別人

  • 2 # 使用者5604574873401

    disappointed可作形容詞和動詞,意思有失望的、沮喪的、使失望、使落空,後面可接介詞with、in、at、about、of等,固定搭配有be disappointed to do或be disappointed+that從句,意為對某事/某人感到失望。

    greatly  disapppointed大失所望

    表示對某人感到失望通常用介詞  with in

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