  • 1 # 使用者3685469194999

    1. 一些限定詞只跟可數名詞。這些詞中又分為兩類。一類只跟可數複數名詞,包括 both, many, those, these, few 等。它們從詞的意義上很好理解,所以不容易出錯。另外還有一些固定搭配的限定詞也只跟複數可數名詞,如:a great/good many of (許多), a number of (幾個), a great/good/small number of (很多)。

    I asked her a number of questions and none of them were answered. 我問了她一些問題,但沒有一個得到回答。

    These books are for kids under six. 這些書是給六歲以下小孩看的。

    另一類只跟單數可數名詞,包括 each, every, either, neither 等,如:

    Each person in the city can only apply eight facemasks a week. 市裡的每個人一週只能申請8個口罩。

    There will be two trains tomorrow morning, and you can take either train to get there. 明天早上有兩趟火車,你乘其中任一列都可以去到那裡。

    需要特別注意的是 many a 這個搭配,雖然它表達“許多”的意思,但它後邊的名詞必須採用單數形式,如:For many a day, it rained. 許多天一直在下雨。

    2. 一些限定詞只跟不可數名詞,包括 much, a good/great deal of, a great/large amount of, a little of, a bit of 等,如:

    That gave him a bit of time to think. 這給了他一點時間思考。

    They don't have much freedom. 他們沒有多少自由。

    3. 一些限定詞既可以與不可數名詞搭配,也可以與可數名詞搭配。這些詞包括 some, any, no, what, such, lots of, a lot of, plenty of, enough, less, more, most, a great quantity of 等。其中 any, no, what, such 等詞既可以跟單數可數名詞,也可以跟複數可數名詞。下面以 no 這個單詞來舉幾個例子。

    There is no water at all. 根本沒有水。(跟不可數)

    To master a foreign language is no easy matter. 掌握一門外語不是一件容易的事。(跟單數可數)

    We have no classes of physics this week. 本週我們沒有物理課。(跟複數可數名詞)

  • 2 # 使用者5435842789945


    a large deal of、a plenty of在多數情況下修飾不可數名詞。不過它們也可以修飾可數名詞。

    a quantity of在多數情況下修飾可數名詞。 不過也可修飾不可數名詞。

      例如: Scores of people went there in the first few days after its opening.開張後的頭幾天,很多人去了那兒。

     Many a student has(=many students have)visited the Great Wall.(謂語動詞用單數)很多學生都遊覽過長城。


      much, a great deal of, a great / large amount of等。


    Is there much water in the bucket?


      a lot of, lots of, plenty of (以上三個詞語後謂語動詞的數依of 後的名詞的`單複數而定),a great / large quantity of (其後謂語用單數),quantities of (其後謂語用複數)。例如:

      There is still lots of snow in the garden.花園裡還有許多雪。

      There is plenty of rain here.這兒的雨水很多。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 我同事很年輕每天跑步,一天跑步時猝死,跑步有益嗎?