  • 1 #

    Well 副詞好地 意思
    we'll 的話是we will 我們將要


    will    英[wɪl]    美[wɪl]  

    modal    將; (表示願意)願,要,會,定要; 煩勞別人做事時用;  

    v.    想要; 希望; 願意; 喜歡;  

    v.    立定志向; 決心; 決意; 想要(某事發生); 立遺囑將(財產等)贈與(某人); 立遺囑贈與;

    [例句]The new model will be in production by the end of the year.


    [其他]    第三人稱單數:wills 複數:wills 現在分詞:willing 過去式:would 過去分詞:willed

  • 2 # 使用者5435842789945

    we,ll=we will

    we will 的縮寫形式是we'll意思是 我們將要

    we will will是助動詞 ,與後面緊跟的詞構成一般將來時‘

    We'll appeal. We'll sue the agency if we have to.


    We'll see such beautiful stars that we'll be amazed.我們將要看到的星星如此漂亮,我們肯定會大吃一驚的。

    We'll see his boat and then we'll say goodbye to him.

    我們將參觀他得船, 然後和他告別。



    Mr. - Mister

    Mrs. - Mistress

    Ms. - Miss

    Dr. - Doctor

    Jr. - Junior

    Sr. - Senior

    Capt. - Captain

    Comdr. - Commander

    Col. - Colonel

    Gen. - General

    Hon. - the Honorable

    Lt. - Lieutenant

    Rev. - the Reverend


    Months of the Year(一年的月份)

    Jan. - January

    Feb. - February

    Mar. - March

    Apr. - April

    Aug. - August

    Sept. - September

    Oct. - October

    Nov. - November

    Dec. - December

    Days of the Week(一週的日子)

    Mon. - Monday

    Tues. - Tuesday

    Wed. - Wednesday

    Thurs. - Thursday

    Fri. - Friday

    Sat. - Saturday

    Sun. - Sunday

    Weight and Volume(重量和體積)

    gal. - gallon

    lb - pound

    oz - ounce

    pt - pint

    qt - quart

    wt. - weight

    vol. - volume


    hr - hour

    min - minute

    sec - second

  • 3 # 唯一8452

    是we will的縮寫,例如:

    1.We will study the report carefully before making a decision.我們將認真研究這份報告,然後再作決定。

    2.We will get your order to you as soon as possible.我們將會把您的訂貨儘早送達。

    3.We will do what we can to help.我們會盡力幫助。

  • 4 # 使用者8585738154618

    we'll是we will兩個單詞的縮寫,表示的是我們將怎麼怎麼樣,是英語中的一般將來時時態,這個在英語短文裡面是很常見的縮寫,老師提一嘴就大機率不會再提了,因為是比較基礎的,所以這次記住就好啦哈

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