  • 1 # Z深掖黷譕

    Memorial archway, different from either houses dwelled by humans or temples where gods are worshiped , is a unique kind of memorial architecture.

    Memorial archway derives from the Lingstar Gate. The first emperor of the Han Dynasty stipulated that the Ling stare should behonored first when worshiping the heaven. Ling Star Gate, first built in 1028, was rebuilt in theConfucian temple later in honor of Confucius.

    It is considered that people offered sacrifice tothe Ling Star in the Han Dynasty in order to pray for a fruitful year which has nothing to dowith Confucius and then the Chinese character "靈" was turned into "欞" again. From the SouthSong Dynasty on, especially in Ming and Qing dynasties, the Ling Star Gate was not only builtnear the suburb altar and the temple, but also near ordinary temples, tombs,ancestral shrines, office buildings, gardens or beside the streets and cross.

    It is not only usedto worship heaven and Confucius, but also in praise of noble acts and chastity. The purposeof the construction of the memorial archway con be classified into three types: symbolicarchway, archway of credit and morality,and archway of achievement.

    Memorial is a symbol of lofty honor in the feudal society. As act of archway an promotion ofrender of immortal fame the construction of memorial virtues and is the highest in people'slives.

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