  • 1 # 藍天38623

    歌曲《I Turn Around》

    演唱: Bad Veins


    I remember when you dyed

    Your hair to look like fire

    So many ways you tried

    So many plans backfired

    I remember when you stayed

    You stayed behind

    When we all moved so far away

    And I remember

    When you always needed me

    And I remember the last time

    Will you remember me

    If we meet again

    A long time from now

    If I catch up with you somehow

    The more time passes by

    I turn around less often I've found

    But I'll catch up with you somehow

    I remember when you dyed

    Your hair to look like fire

    One of so many ways you tried

    One of so many plans backfired

    And I remember keeping score

    Who won or lost

    Who can remember anymore

    What happened forever ago

    Doesn't matter now

    Because it's not the same

    Without you around

    Will you remember me

    If we meet again

    A long time from now

    If I catch up with you somehow

    The more time passes by

    I turn around less often I've found

    But I'll catch up with you somehow

    I hear your voice

    But it's fading

    Into the noise

    I wade in

    I see you all

    I see you all

    Through my new town

    New town

    I have to stop

    I turn around

    I turn around

    I turn around

    I turn around

    I turn around

    I turn around

    I turn around

    Will you remember me if we meet again

    A long time from now

    If I catch up with you somehow

    The more time passes by

    I turn around less often I've found

    But I'll catch up with you somehow

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  • 一個人讀懂的情話?