  • 1 # 使用者4331117170781


    n. 結果;成績;答案;比賽結果

    vi. 結果;導致;產生


    The election results will be broadcast tonight.


    Fifty percent of road accidents result in head injuries.



    result of是…結果;由於…結果

    result in導致,結果是

  • 2 # 511個月的寶寶


    1. 用作動詞,表示“產生結果”或“有某種結果”,是不及物動詞,注意以下用:

    (1) 若表示先因後果,其後接介詞in,指由某種原因導致某種結果,此時通常譯為“導致……(的結果)”“以……而告終”。如:

    Love results in marriage, naturally. 戀愛終歸於婚姻(有情人終成眷屬)。

    The accident resulted in the death of two passengers. 這次事故導致兩名乘客喪生。

    (2) 若表示先果後因,後接介詞from,指某種結果是由於某種原因導致的,此時通常譯為“由於”“由於……而產生(的結果)”。如:

    His failure resulted from his carelessness. 他的失敗是由他的粗心造成的。

    His illness resulted from eating contaminated food. 他生病是由於吃了不潔淨的食物。

    (3) 比較以下相似表達:

    Success results from hard work. 成功來自於努力工作。

    Hard work results in success. 努力工作可以導致成功。

    2. 用作名詞,用於as a result, 意為“結果”“因此”。如:

    As a result he was forced to leave home. 結果他被迫離開了家。

    He had some bad fish. As a result, he felt ill. 他吃了些壞魚,結果感到不舒服。

    表示“由於……的結果”,後接介詞 of。如:

    He was late as a result of (=because of) the snow. 由於下雪,他遲到了。

    在as a result 這一結構中,要用不定冠詞,但在 as a [the] result 這一結構中,卻用不定冠詞或定冠詞均可。如:

    As a [the] result of his hard work, he got a pay rise. 由於他工作勤奮,所以他加了工資

  • 3 # 自強必盛

    result後面可以加介詞in或from ,result from 中文意思是“起因於;由……造成”

    The complications frequently accompanying diabetes, such as impairment of vision and of kidney function, are now thought to result from the lack of continuous control of blood glucose concentrations.

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