  • 1 # tesoe44084

    bracesn.吊帶,揹帶;托架( brace的名詞複數 );箍子;括弧;(兒童)牙箍v.支住( brace的第三人稱單數 );撐牢;使自己站穩;振作起來

  • 2 # 風帆2105


    often needed after RCT to prevent tooth from falling apart


    Dental terminology 牙科術語

    洗牙 Prophylaxis usually just say prophy

    齦下刮治 deep clean, (deeper than prophy, sometimes need 局麻)

    局/全麻 local/general anesthesia

    牙齦炎 Gingivitis, (need to improve oral hygiene, deep clean helps)

    牙石 tartar

    洗牙師 dental hygienist (do the above thing)

    齲齒 cavity

    根管治療 root canal therapy (RCT) (very bad cavity, need to kill the nerve)

    牙套 crown (often needed after RCT to prevent tooth from falling


    試排牙 setup teeth

    臘堤 wax rim

    軟夜間保護器 Soft nightguard

    硬夜間保護器 Hard nightguard

    漂白盤 Bleaching tray

    補料 Filling (resin/composite樹脂-tooth color, mercury汞-black but 耐磨)

    內科牙醫 endodontist(do the root canal)

    假牙 denture

    貼面 veneer (usually for cosmetis purpuse, like for 四環素牙)

    鑲牙牙醫 Prosthodontics

    全科牙醫 general dentist (do all things, but difficult one refers to specialist)

    種植牙 implant (plant a denture in the jaw bone)

    外科牙醫 (拔牙, 尤其難拔的智齒, implant) oral surgeon

    兒科牙醫 pedodontist

    犬齒(虎牙) canine

    臼齒 molar

    門牙 incisor

    正畸牙醫 (整牙) orthodontist

    正畸器械 Orthodontic Appliances


    1. 烤瓷熔附非貴金屬全冠(Porcelain fused to non-precious metal crown)

    2. 烤瓷熔附半貴金屬全冠(Porcelain fused to semi-precious metal crown)

    3. 烤瓷熔附貴金屬全冠(Porcelain fused to gold crown)

    4. 瓷全冠(Porcelain full crown)

    4. 鑄造陶瓷冠(cast ceramic crown)

    5. 鑄造全冠(cast full crown)

    6. 非貴金屬全冠(non-precious metal full crown)

    7. 金全冠(gold full crown)

    8. 非貴金屬嵌體/高嵌體(non-precious metal inlay/onlay)

    9. 半貴金屬嵌體/高嵌體(semi-precious metal inlay/onlay)

    10. 金嵌體/高嵌體(gold inlay/onlay)

    11. 馬里蘭橋Maryland Bridge

    12. Alabama Bridge

    13. Andrews Bridge

    14. 附加橋體(additional pontic)

    15. 附加翼板(additional wing)

    16. 樁和核(Post & Core)

    17. 金樁和核(Gold Post Core)

    18. 瓷唇緣(Porcelain labial margin)

    19. 瓷貼面(Porcelain Facing)

    20. 肩臺瓷(Porcelain shoulder)


    1. 全口樹脂義齒(Full acryline denture or full resin denture)

    2. 隱形義齒或鑄造熱塑區域性義齒(Valplast Partials or Cast Thermoplastic Partials)

    3. 整鑄基託(鈷鉻合金)(Co-Cr alloy cast base for full denture)

    4. 整鑄基託(鈦合金)(Ti alloy cast base for full denture)

    5. 鈷鉻合金支架(5-5)(Co-Cr alloy framework 5-5)

    6. 鈷鉻合金支架(7-7)(Co-Cr alloy framework 7-7)

    7. 鈦合金支架(5-5)(Ti alloy framework 5-5)

    8. 鈦合金支架(7-7)(Ti alloy framework 7-7)

    9. 高強度樹脂基託(High intensity resin base)

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