  • 1 # 一片菩提葉7184


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  • 3 # 初夏雨言

    it is reported that是據報道的意思。

      例句It is reported that some modern monks are using computers.有報道說有些現代和尚在使用計算機。

      It is reported that 20 people were killed in the accident.這次事故據說有20人死亡。

      It is reported that the car accident took place sometime yesterday.據報導,那場車禍是在昨天某個時候發生的。

      It is reported that the coral reefs are being destroyed.據報道,珊瑚礁正遭受破壞。

      It is reported that twenty men were killed in the clash.據報導,在這次衝突中有二十人被打死。

      It is reported that this disease attacks the central nervous system.據報道說這種疾病破壞中樞神經系統。

      It is+過去分詞+that?”結構 這種結構多用於固定開頭語。

      此處It是引導詞作形式主語,從屬連詞that引導的是主語從句 。

      翻譯該結構時應注意以下兩點:①這種結構的謂語常常是被動語態,由於漢語不習慣用被 動句來表達,因此翻譯時往往需要把主句的謂語譯成主動語態。

      其謂語的譯法一般有兩種: 一種是不加主語,另一種是加泛指性的主語如“人們”“有人”“大家”等。

      ②英語中的主 語從句譯成漢語時則轉譯成了賓語從句,這種譯法的特點是保留原文句子結構的前後順序, 先譯主句後譯從句。

      例如: 13.It was said that he found in music the peace which was missing in a world fu ll of wars and killings.據說他從音樂裡找到了在充滿戰爭和屠殺的世界裡所失去的和平 。

       14.It is decided that I will meet them at the airport.決定讓我去機場接他們。

       15.It is arranged that the class meeting will be held next week.根據安排班會於下 周召開。

       16.It is believed that before writing was developed people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together.人們認為,在出現書寫之前,華人 常把石塊放在一起來記事。

       17.It is hoped that the way of Inuit life will be kept alive for many more centuries.人們希望因紐特人的生活方式將會保持更多世紀。

       18.It has been found that all kinds of matter consist of atoms.人們已經發現各種物質都是由原子組成的。


      常見的還有It i s reported that?據報道;It is supposed that?據推測?等。

      例句16、17和1 8是加主語的固定開頭語。

      常見的還有,It is seen that?人們看到;It is known that?眾所周知?;It is generally considered that?大家認為?;It is told that ?有人曾經說等。


  • 4 # 張洪君6945

    it is not until ... that...用法

    it is not until加從句加倒裝的主句形式的強調句型。表達直到什麼條件才什麼的意思。


    1、It is not until China makes the transition to a new growth model that  rebalancing will begin.


    2、It is not until recently that doctors find out the causes of lung cancer.


    3、It is not until the 1940s that such machine can be built.


    4、For example, if you plan on writing four chapters of your soon-to-be-published book ina month, it is not until the fourth week that you'll consider yourself actually procrastinating.


    5、The problem is not with others, it is with the self, but often it is not until energies are back to normal that the real problem is recognized.


  • 5 # 使用者5435842789945

    the truth是介詞片語作狀語。

    It is not until…that直到……才

    用法:It is not until…that暗含著強調句型,意為“直到……才”,通常引導時間狀語從句。


    It is not until evening that the farmers working in the fields returned home.直到傍晚,在田裡勞作的農民才返回家中。

    It是形式主語,is not until evening是系表型謂語(is not是系動詞,until evening是表語),that the farmers working in the fields returned home是真正主語(working in the fields returned home是後置定語)。


     It is not until they had finished the project that  they returned home.直到完成了工程,他們才回家。

    it is not until…that…是固定用法,意為“直到……才”,其中的that在任何情況下都不變。

    例句:It is not until then that Mr Li realizes the importance of health.



    It是主語,is是系動詞,not until引導狀語從句,they是主語,had finished是謂語,the project是賓語,that引導表語從句,they是主語,returned是謂語,home是狀語。

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