  • 1 # 淡泊得大自在

    The point of all,你無法相信你所聽到的,

    The fighting and trouble on the Earth,所有地球上的衝突及糾紛,

    The nexus,所具有的特點,

    You can't believe in what you hear,之間存在著聯絡,

    Point of all,你無法相信你所聽到的,

    The fighting and trouble on the earth,所有地球上的衝突及糾紛,

    The nexus,所具有的特點,

    You can't believe in what you hear,之間存在著聯絡,

    Never see the sun,永無見光之日,

    Never be the same,永無相似之人,

    I can see your tears inside,我可看見你內心深處所流淌的淚水,

    Torn up skies have killed the rain,破碎的天空早已雲銷雨霽,

    Are we born to lose?難道我們生來就低人一等嗎?

    Should we even try?難道我們不應去嘗試一番嗎?

    Are we gonna get to choose,難道我們能夠選擇,

    who will live and who will die?誰可存活,誰亦將消逝嗎?


    Blinding me, and your love,假裝忽視了我,以及你的愛戀,

    when you're talkin' about him,聽起來猶如對一張破碎的唱片的態度,

    sound just like a broke' record!使我感到憎恨!

    There's a reason why,而這就是我為什麼,

    Holdin' dirty secrets,依然還抱著這骯髒的秘密的原因,

    Where you're gettin' your power,那裡到底有多大的魅力,

    Sacrificin' my cousin!能讓你為之犧牲了我的兄弟,

    What's it gonna be?只為獲得權力?

    Do I come from the fire?我是否誕生於火光之中?

    We're going back, oh yeah!我們終將歸於歸宿,

    So spend some time with me,因而請珍惜與我共度的時光,

    I really like your company,我實在嚮往著能與你同行,

    We're not so different,我們之間並無許多差別,

    Flip the coin it doesn't matter,無需拋擲硬幣來做決定,

    And if we don't survive,假若我們終將犧牲,

    I'd rather die than live a lie,我寧死也不願說謊,

    Never see the bloom,永無看到綻放之日,

    Never see the game,永無旁觀糾紛之時,

    I can see your tears inside,我可看見你內心深處所流淌的淚水,

    Hanging on the deepest pain,建立於最深的痛苦之上,

    Yeah, we both are bruised,我們都傷痕累累,

    He's the reason why,他就是根源所在,Are we gonna let him choose?我們豈能讓他自行選擇?

    We're connected you and I,我與你之間存在著聯絡,


    Blinding me, and your love,假裝忽視了我,以及你的愛戀,

    when you're talkin' about him,聽起來猶如對一張破碎的唱片的態度,

    sound just like a broke' record!使我感到憎恨!

    There's a reason why,而這就是我為什麼,

    Holdin' dirty secrets,依然還抱著這骯髒的秘密的原因,

    Where you're gettin' your power,那裡到底有多大的魅力,

    Sacrificin' my cousin!能讓你為之犧牲了我的兄弟,

    What's it gonna be?只為獲得權力?

    Do I come from the fire?我是否誕生於火光之中?

    We're going back, oh yeah!我們終將歸於歸宿,

    So spend some time with me,因而請珍惜與我共度的時光,

    I really like your company,我實在嚮往著能與你同行,

    We're not so different,我們之間並無許多差別,

    Flip the coin it doesn't matter,無需拋擲硬幣來做決定,

    And if we don't survive,假若我們終將犧牲,

    I'd rather die than live a lie,我寧死也不願說謊,

    Do I come from the fire?我是否誕生於火光之中?

    We're going back, oh yeah!我們終將歸於歸宿,

    So spend some time with me,因而請珍惜與我共度的時光,

    I really like your company,我實在嚮往著能與你同行,

    We're not so different,我們之間並無許多差別,

    Flip the coin it doesn't matter,無需拋擲硬幣來做決定,

    And if we don't survive,假若我們終將犧牲,

    I'd rather die than live a lie,我寧死也不願說謊,

    Do I come from the fire?我是否誕生於火光之中?

    We're going back, oh yeah!我們終將歸於歸宿,

    So spend some time with me,因而請珍惜與我共度的時光,

    I really like your company,我實在嚮往著能與你同行,

    We're not so different,我們之間並無許多差別,

    Flip the coin it doesn't matter,無需拋擲硬幣來做決定,

    And if we don't survive,假若我們終將犧牲,

    I'd rather die than live a lie,我寧死也不願生存在謊言之中,

    The point of all,你無法相信你所聽到的,

    The fighting and trouble on the Earth,所有地球上的衝突及糾紛,

    The nexus,所具有的特點,You can't believe in what you hear,之間存在著聯絡,

    Point of all,你無法相信你所聽到的,

    The fighting and trouble on the earth,所有地球上的衝突及糾紛,

    The nexus,所具有的特點,

    You can't believe in what you hear,之間存在著聯絡,

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