  • 1 # 小黎小黎天下無敵3818

    Sky gradually dim down.An afternoon with the sunset glow disappeared.Have a look at home,no one.Except for the one at my feet constantly called a kitten.

    Some of the surrounding black,matches and I'm feeling at the moment.So I don't have to turn on the lights.Just a look at the dark,sink.

    Suddenly,a call comes in.The ringing of the phone started I was startled,slowlylifted the phone,listen.Just know is a friend of greeting.

    Not what purpose,nor what theme.Just saying "are you ok!" ,a simple greeting,will really touched my heart.

    The friend is not boring.At this moment to think of me,at least,understand that this is a rare friend.

    A greeting,a few sound blessing,it is enough to make my heart warm.

    In regards to my friends at the same time,I also think,whether it should be togive others a greeting?

    People's minds,and everyone wants a greeting,especially in now the society where money.The truth is not in exchange for money,only the truth can move the heart.

    A short letter,a phone call,a card,a voice,all can become the communicationbetween people,communication bridge.

    Between us we don't lack of greeting,also cannot lack the blessing.It is ourgreetings to lift a finger,to shorten the distance between you and me.

    By the way of "you,okay." Most of the time,a word,a smile,a greeting gently,can change a person's life state,change one's attitude towards life,so as tochange a person's quality of life.What you need to do,and that is enough,let I to establish confidence,produce power.Thank you,my friends,my progress needs your support,your encouragement.Your attention is my way to the source of strength,let me continue to move forward.













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