  • 1 # 番茄3289340540356712

    1、Nonsense, child!

    2、maternal and child health and child spacing

    3、That child is ailing.

    4、This child is adopted.

    5、Illegal child element of %1. Child not mapped.

    6、Posh middle-class child chic.

    7、The thunderstorm terrified the child.

    8、Each child ate his portion.

    9、The obstetrician delivered the child.

    10、The child became her only consolation.

    11、The child is rather accident-prone.

    12、That child is far too precocious.

    13、Bless the altar and bless your child.

    14、Who's more likely to molest a child?

    15、You try to relate to your autistic child, and the child doesn't respond.

    16、I condemn the ACTS of child molestation, I never had any ACTS of child molestation.

    17、From a child protection perspective, witchcraft accusations against children are a form of child abuse.

    18、"Herr Fritzl was a 'proof child', an 'alibi child'," she said, adding that this "was his only function as a child".

    19、Most of the attributes and child elements are self-explanatory.

    20、That book is not healthy reading for a child.

    21、The child is going through a difficult phase.

    22、The child is lively as well as healthy.

    23、Infant and young child feeding is a key area to improve child survival and promote healthy growth and development.

    24、A child of one's aunt or uncle;a first cousin.

    25、Take a look at your autistic child sometime, and take a moment to tell yourself who that child is not.

    26、The class on child and adolescent psychopathology sends them to the university's child study center to observe a clinician evaluating a child, after which they write up their own assessments.

    27、In the area of newborn and child health, CAH increasingly USES the CRC as a normative and legal framework for addressing infant and young child feeding, and child survival.

    28、If your child is on MySpace and is talking to a pedophile, you will see the profile of that person, and any activity between them and your child.

    29、Right of a child to see a parent regularly or of a parent or grandparent to see a child regularly , where the child be In the care of someone else

    30、In the case of family moves, Nettle calculated whether the child moved home more times than average for a child in that particular area.

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