  • 1 # 妮楠寧寧

    What better way to start your day than by doing something that excites you, something that you actually look forward to doing. 


    Here's my card. Come to my hotel later tonight and we can sign a contract. I look forward to doing more business with you in the future. 


    I haven’t had the chance to read Subramanian’s book infull (although I look forward to doing so), so I’m not going to undertake hereto rebut his broader thesis. 


    As with working out, after a while you make the connection between doing difficult things and the benefits you get from doing them, and you come to look forward to doing these difficult things. 


    So when you roll out of bed, you have something you look forward to doing that day, even if that's volunteering or it's time taking care of a grandchild or a niece or a nephew or whatever it might be. 


    Whenever I travel abroad I meet bright young people from India doing good science who tell me they look forward to the day they can continue their work back home in India. 


    We need to look at the whole society and think, "are we actually thinking about what we're doing as we go forward, and are we preserving the really important values that we have in society?" 


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