  • 1 # SMCTS戰略管理和技術


    Enterprises face various challenges and opportunities during the startup, growth, maturity, stabilisation and decliningstages of a business cycle. Whether businesses can weather through bottlenecks in each stage and fuel new growth waves, it requires enterprises dynamically adjust their cultural value on consequence of changing internal and external factors that affect enterprises.

    企業文化代表著組織的價值或者對觀點的假設,它體現了整個組織所附有的態度、信念和經驗。文化價值是承接願景和使命與戰略和規劃的關鍵紐帶,因為文化無形中把企業的願景和使命融入到發展戰略和專案實施中去。一個正向和強壯的組織文化可以激勵員工的主觀能動性,發自內心地願意為企業的長遠目標貢獻力量。公司高管要想把這方面的作用進一步擴大,可以採取多種變革方案,例如 領導力培訓。

    Enterprise culture represents organisational value or the assumption used to form perception, which reflects the attitude, belief and experience embedded in the organisation. Cultural value is the tie between vision/mission and strategy/initiative, because culture engrains vision and mission into corporate strategy and project implementation. A positive and strong culture ignites its employees’ proactiveness to work and their willingness toc ontribute to the long-term success of the firm. If top management wants to maximise such an effect, there are numerous solutions available, such as leadership training.

    每個人都或多或少的有三觀,同樣,組織也有它的文化。如何在員工的三觀和組織的文化價值之間達成某種程度的一致,將成為企業和員工發展的一個雙贏。Canwell, Geller & Stockton (2015) 的研究表明53%的千禧代員工(生於1980至1999年間)願意成為他們所在公司的高管,這項積極的研究結果讓企業的老總們減少了在留住人才方面的擔憂,這也為未來的領導接班人奠定了基礎。如果企業高管能找到有效的辦法促進員工三觀與組織文化價值的統一, 這將會產生無法估量的內聚力,比如 不同部門間的協同、員工的執行力以及積極的工作態度(願意多承擔責任和為他人著想)。

    Each individual has some form of belief, regarding how they perceive the world, life and value,namely three outlooks, while an organisation also has its culture. How to align individual’s three outlooks with the organisation’s culture, to some extent, is a win-win forthe growth of business and employees. Research done by Canwell, Geller & Stockton (2015) reveals that 53% of the millennial workers (people born between 1980 and 1999) are eager to become the top management of the company they are working for. Not only does this positive finding help mitigate leaders’ concern on talent retention, but also lays a foundation for leadership pipeline. If management could find effective solutions to integrate company culture with three outlooks, it would generate invaluable synergy, for example, cross-department collaboration, workers’ ability to execute, and proactive work attitude (willing to take more responsibility and be considerate).


    Indeed, it is not an easy task, in the short term, to achieve seamless integration between company culture and each worker’s three outlooks. The right policy, process and procedure, along with rewarding measures to foster the top-down infusion of vision and mission, allows employees to better understand their role in fueling business growth. At the same time, companies also lessen the cost for monitoring and supervision. Eventually, such an initiative induces employees’ ability to innovate, assist customers with resolving their issues, collaborate with co-workers, and stand in the shoes of their supervisors.

    For more information, please visit https://sicmc.wordpress.com

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