You were some sort of a prodigy since a very young age. 您幼有神通之譽,為啥長而無聞?
Bite my shiny metal ass! 請咬我的亮晶晶的金屬腚。《飛出個未來》裡Bender的口頭禪
If I do not break your nose into pieces, you never get to know why the flowers are so red. 如果我不把你的鼻子打個稀巴爛,你不知道花兒為什麼這樣紅。
And your crybaby whiny-assed opinion would be? 那麼你的小孩見識的意見是?
Could you help me close the door from outside? 你能幫我從外邊把門關上嗎?
The fact that no one understands you doesn"t mean you’re an artist. 沒有人懂你,並不能說明你是個藝術家。
I respectfully disagree. 我不敢苟同。
I’m not being rude. You’re just insignificant. 不是我粗魯,是你太無足輕重。
福克納評嘲笑海明威的話:He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary. 他寫的很平易近人,寫作中從沒用過麻煩讀者查字典的單詞。嘲笑海明威沒文化。
I like you. You remind me of myself when I was young and stupid. 我喜歡你,你讓我想起了我愚笨的年輕時代。
In order to avoid being called a flirt, she always yielded easily. 為了避免被認為是愛調情的人,她總是很快讓他們得逞。
You were some sort of a prodigy since a very young age. 您幼有神通之譽,為啥長而無聞?
Bite my shiny metal ass! 請咬我的亮晶晶的金屬腚。《飛出個未來》裡Bender的口頭禪
If I do not break your nose into pieces, you never get to know why the flowers are so red. 如果我不把你的鼻子打個稀巴爛,你不知道花兒為什麼這樣紅。
And your crybaby whiny-assed opinion would be? 那麼你的小孩見識的意見是?
Could you help me close the door from outside? 你能幫我從外邊把門關上嗎?
The fact that no one understands you doesn"t mean you’re an artist. 沒有人懂你,並不能說明你是個藝術家。
I respectfully disagree. 我不敢苟同。
I’m not being rude. You’re just insignificant. 不是我粗魯,是你太無足輕重。
福克納評嘲笑海明威的話:He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary. 他寫的很平易近人,寫作中從沒用過麻煩讀者查字典的單詞。嘲笑海明威沒文化。
I like you. You remind me of myself when I was young and stupid. 我喜歡你,你讓我想起了我愚笨的年輕時代。
In order to avoid being called a flirt, she always yielded easily. 為了避免被認為是愛調情的人,她總是很快讓他們得逞。