  • 1 # 盒子魚英語

    1、 I"m not feeling well. 我覺得不舒服。

    2、 I"m feeling very bad. 我覺得很不舒服。

    3、 I don"t feel myself lately. 我最近感到不舒服。

    4、 What shall(should) I do? 我該怎麼辦?

    5、 Should I stay in the hospital? 我需要住院嗎?

    6、 The pain seems less. 我的疼痛有些減輕。

    7、Since two or three weeks. 大約兩三週前。

    8、Is it contagious? 這病傳染嗎?

    9、I feel dizzy(feverish, shivery, sleepy, like vomiting, nauseous itching, weak, irritated).


    10、I have piles (a bad cough, a dry cough, a stomachache, a pain in my back).



    1、What kind of food should I eat? Should I have a special diet? 我應該吃什麼?需要定製食譜嗎?

    2、Will surgery necessary? 需要做手術嗎?

    3、Will it take long to recover? 很久才能恢復嗎?

    4、Is it right to move around and do some exercises? 可以在地上走走,鍛鍊鍛鍊嗎?

    5、Is it serious? 情況嚴重嗎?

    6、Is there any danger? 有危險嗎?

    7、What could be the cause?可能是什麼原因呢?

    8、What should I do if I have another attack? 我若是再犯,該怎麼辦呢?

    9、Isn"t there any good medicine for it? 沒有什麼好藥嗎?

    10、What kind of medicine is this?這是一種什麼藥呢?


    1、I hate injections, can I take the medicine orally? 我不喜歡打針,能吃些口服藥嗎?

    2、Can it be cured? 能治好麼?

    3、Will it get worse? 能變壞嗎?

    4、What could it be? 可能是什麼病呢?

    5、What do you think? 你認為怎樣?

    6、Can anything be done for pain? 對於這種疼痛,有沒有辦法呢?

    7、 Will it go away by itself ( soon)?它能自然(很快)痊癒嗎?

    8、 When shall I come back? 我什麼時候再來?

    9、 Will there be a recurrence? 這病會復發嗎?

    10、Does this medicine have any side-effects? 這藥有副作用嗎?



    1、 What can do for you?你有什麼事?

    2 、Sorry to have kept you waiting.對不起讓你久等了。

    3、 What"s your trouble?你哪裡覺著不好?

    4 、How long have you been feeling unwell?你不舒服多久了。

    5、 What medicine did you take?/Have you taken any medicine?你吃過什麼藥?

    6、 Did you take your temperature?你量過體溫嗎?

    7 、Do you smoke (drink)?你吸菸(喝酒)嗎?

    8、 Do you have a fever (a cough, a bad headache)?你發燒(咳嗽,劇烈的頭痛)嗎?

    9、Do your want to have your tooth extracted, tooth filled, dressing changed, blood pressure checked?你要拔牙(補牙,換藥,量血壓)嗎?


    1、 Let me examine you please.我給你檢查一下。

    2、 Please take off your shoes and lie down.請脫鞋,躺下。

    3、 Please lie on your back (stomach, right side, left side).請仰臥(俯臥,右側臥,左側臥)。

    4 、Please breathe deeply(normally).請深呼吸(正常呼吸)。

    5 、Please stick out your tongue.請伸出舌頭。

    6、 Let me take your blood pressure.我給你量一下血壓。

    7、 Please open your mouth and say "Ah".請張開口說"啊"。

    8、 Have you ever received any treatment before?你以前治過嗎?

    9 、Has it happened before?這種情況以前發生過嗎?

    10、 Are you feeling better?你覺著好一些嗎?

    11、 Is the pain getting less?疼痛減輕些了嗎?

    12、 How long have you had this pain?你從什麼時侯開始有這種痛的?

    13、 What kind of pain is it?是什麼樣的痛?

    14、 Please tell me something of your past illnesses.告訴我你過去的病史。

    15、 It is not serious.病情不嚴重。

    16、Please don"t eat anything tomorrow morning before blood test.明早查血以前不要吃東西。

    17、 You need a thorough examination.你需要做一個全面檢查。

    18、 You will have to stay in hospital for several days.你需要在醫院裡住幾夭。

    19、We think that you had better be hospitalized.我們認為你最好住進醫院來。

    20、 You should stay in bed for a few days.你需要臥床幾天。


    1、 You should be very careful for a week or two.這一兩週內,你需要很注意。

    2、 I suggest you have a course of acupuncture.我建議你做一個療程的針灸。

    3、 I would like to transfer you to the gynecology (surgery, dermatology, urology department).我要將你轉到婦科(外科、面板科、泌尿科)去。

    4、 I"m sure this medicine will help you a great deal.這藥對你肯定會很有效的。

    5、 You will have to come here for periodical check-ups.你需要定期來門診檢查。

    6、 If you feel worse, please come back to the clinic right away.要是你覺著病加重了,就請馬上來門診。

    7、 Please wait until we get the result of the x-ray (blood test).請等一下,我們需要看一下X線片(驗血)的結果。

    8、 I"m going to make arrangements for your admission.我去給你安排住院。

    9、 I suggest that you get physiotherapy treatment.我建議你作理療。

    10、 If the trouble persists come back again.要是情況還不見好,就請你再來門診吧。

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