  • 1 # 哥廷根數學學派

    我問ChatGPT: 你不能替代什麼工作?


    我問ChatGPT: 你會寫程式碼嗎?

    我問ChatGPT: 你能做會計嗎?




    我問ChatGPT: 你會講搞笑段子嗎?


  • 2 # 老湯刷影片

    A "viral ChatGPT" most likely refers to the recent phenomenon of AI language models, like OpenAI"s GPT-3, gaining widespread attention and interest in the media and general public. These models use large-scale machine learning to generate human-like text responses to prompts, and have been touted as a breakthrough in natural language processing and AI technology.

    As with any new technology, there are concerns that AI language models could potentially displace human workers. For example, some have suggested that they could be used to automate jobs that involve writing or customer service, which could lead to job losses in these industries. However, it is important to note that AI language models are not yet advanced enough to fully replace human workers in these fields, and there is still a need for human creativity and empathy in many areas of work.

    Moreover, while AI language models have the potential to automate certain tasks, they also create new opportunities for human workers. For example, companies can use these models to generate content at a faster rate, which could lead to increased demand for writers and editors who can oversee and refine this content. Similarly, the ability of these models to understand and respond to natural language could lead to new jobs in fields like customer service, where workers can use these tools to assist customers more efficiently and effectively.

    Ultimately, the impact of AI language models on employment will depend on how they are deployed and integrated into the workforce. It is important to approach this technology with a thoughtful and measured approach, taking into account the potential benefits and risks. This may include investing in education and training programs to help workers develop new skills that are complementary to AI technology, as well as creating regulations and guidelines to ensure that these models are used in an ethical and responsible way.

    In summary, a viral ChatGPT refers to the recent surge in interest in AI language models, and while there are concerns that this technology could displace human workers, it is important to approach it with a balanced perspective and consider the potential benefits and risks. Ultimately, it will be up to policymakers, business leaders, and workers themselves to shape the future of work in an age of rapid technological change.

  • 3 # TOP域名





  • 4 # Onion洋蔥圈

    "爆火的ChatGPT" 指的是 OpenAI 的語言模型 ChatGPT,這是一個非常強大的人工智慧技術,用於生成文字和回答問題。ChatGPT 是基於轉移學習和生成對抗網路(GPT)技術構建的。

    對於是否會導致部分人失業,這是一個複雜的問題,有很多不同的看法。一方面,ChatGPT 和類似的技術可以幫助人們完成很多重複性工作,並使工作更高效和準確,這可能導致一些低技能工作的流失。然而,另一方面,這些技術也可以幫助創造新的工作機會,並帶來新的商機,因此總的影響可能是中性的。

    總的來說, ChatGPT 和類似的技術的影響可能是複雜的,不僅受到技術本身的影響,還受到社會、經濟、政治等多種因素的影響。因此,對於是否會導致部分人失業,無法簡單地回答。

    人們對 ChatGPT 的擔心主要表現在以下幾個方面:

    可能導致失業: ChatGPT 和類似的技術可以幫助完成一些重複性工作,因此有人擔心,它可能導致人類勞動力的流失,進而導致失業。

    安全問題: 由於 ChatGPT 的技術可以生成看起來非常真實的文字,因此有人擔心,它可能被用來進行欺騙、惡評等惡劣行為。

    對人類社會的影響: 由於 ChatGPT 的技術可以自動生成文字,因此有人擔心,它可能對人類社會的語言、文化和交流產生不利影響。

    總的來說, ChatGPT 和類似的技術的影響是複雜的,不僅受到技術本身的影響,還受到社會、經濟、政治等多種因素的影響。因此,對於這種技術,應該仔細考慮其影響,並加以監管和管理,以確保它能夠被安全和可靠地使用。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 近段時間風靡全球的ChatGPT究竟是什麼?