  • 1 # 銀色的牛



    Walk in a corner shop走進街頭一家店

    See a shoplifting cop發現一個入店行竊的警察

    See the old lady with a gun看見老太太端把槍

    See the hero try to run我們的英雄警察卻要逃之夭夭

    Nothing's what it seems, I mean看起來一切都不是所想的那樣,我是說

    It's not all dirty, but it's not all clean沒有人是壞透的,也沒有人是純潔無暇的

    There's children paying bills看見小鬼們買單

    There's monks buying thrills教徒們尋求刺激

    There's pride for sale in magazines尊嚴可以從雜志上買到

    There's pills for rent to make u clean有藥物可以讓你看起來聖潔

    Marvin Gaye, there's no brother, brother馬文·蓋伊,沒有哥哥,弟弟

    Woody Guthrie's land can't feed Mother伍迪格思的土地不能養活母親


    Mothers weep, children sleep母親掉落眼淚,孩子們總算睡覺了

    So much violence ends in silence如此類似多的暴力以安靜結束

    It's a shame there's no one to blame可恥的是找不到被責備的人

    For all the pain that life brings因為是他給生活帶來瞭如此多痛苦

    If u will just take me It might just complete me如果你愛我,就能使我變的完美

    And together we can make a stand你我在一起,我們能與生活的苦惱做鬥爭

    A waitress brings me lunch女服務員端來我的午飯

    We meet but do not touch我們瞪了下卻都沒有開吃

    On TV,D.C. is selling lies聽到電視上散布著謊言的廣告

    While in the corner, King's dream dies此時角落裡國王的夢想破滅

    Go to the counter, pay for me and my friend他去了店臺,給我和朋友買單

    A homeless man pulls out a roll, says it's on him無家可歸的人抽出一疊,說他來付

    The mayor has no cash看來是老大他沒現金

    He said he spent it on hookers and hash還說都用去吃喝嫖賭了

    U will love me, I will love u你會愛我,我也會愛你

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