  • 1 # 用戶5435842789945

      Be動詞的意思和用法很多,一般的意思是:是,此種用法,有多種變化形式,is,am,are,was,were,being,been,to be。另外,be動詞還有成為的意思。根據句子中不同的人稱、數和時間,型態,應該選擇相應的be動詞


    作為系動詞(也叫連繫動詞,link verb)的be,是英語學習者接觸最早的用法,而且其用法也很多。其基本含義為“是”,基本用法結構為“主語+be+表語”,也就是我們常說的主系表結構,其中的表語一般都由名詞、形容詞、數詞或表地點、時間等的短語來充當。 系動詞be有各種時態的變化,也會和情態動詞連用。

    1、be的時態變化 系動詞be會有一般現在時、一般過去時、一般將來時、現在完成時、過去完成時等的時態變化。


    He is a student.

    They were in the park yesterday.

    It will be cloudy tomorrow.

    He has been ill for six days.

    It had been three hours before she left the hat shop.

    2、be與情態動詞的連用 其用法為:情態動詞+系動詞be原形。


    It must be Lucy's book. Her name is on the cover.

    It can be very difficult for us to memorize too many words within such a short time.

    She should be here on time tomorrow.



    1、進行時態中的be 此時,be可以與主要動詞的現在分詞一起,構成各種進行時態。如:

    He is reading in the library now.(現在進行時)

    She wasswimming in the river this time yesterday.(過去進行時)

    They will be arriving in Beijing tomorrow.(將來進行時)

    We have been learning English for ten years.(現在完成進行時)

    2、被動語態中的be 助動詞be能夠與主要動詞的過去分詞一起構成被動語態,即be done結構。如:

    Chinese iswidely used around the world nowadays.

    The window wasbroken by the naughty boy just now.

    Your watch has already beenrepaired.

    【注意】 助動詞be能夠構成特殊句型。如:

    1、be going to do be going to do表示“打算或將要”。如:

    He isgoing to visit us next week. It isgoing to rain soon.

    2、be about to do be about to do表示“剛要,即將”。與be going to do表“將要”不同的是,be about to do表示的是說完話後馬上就要去做或是短期內馬上就要去做。如:

    The plane isabout to take off in five minutes' time.

    3、be to do be to do表示“按計劃要做”。如:

    One night an angel came to Mary and told her that she wasto have this special boy. The new store isto be opened tomorrow.


    1、There be句型 與上面用法都不同的是,be可以與there一起構成there be句型,用來表示存在。There be句型較為重要,內容較多,在此不做贅述,後面和大家分享,今天就先給幾個常見的例句。 There is a white ruler on the desk. There were a great many people in the car race last year.

    2、祈使句中的be 這種情況下,句子一般以Be開頭或是Don't be開頭,表示命令或建議等。如: Bepatient! (耐心點!) Don't be so hard on me! (不要對我們這麼嚴厲!)

    3、虛擬語氣中的be be有時可以放在句首,引起虛擬語氣。如:

    Be he rich or poor, she will marry him.

    Be it true or not, she will see it herself.


    Whether he be rich or poor, she will marry him. (無論他是否有錢,她都會嫁給她。)

    Whether it be true or not, she will see it herself. (無論這是否是真的,她都會親自去見證。)

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