  • 1 # 用戶8798156398395

    1、 This is a red skirt .這是一條紅色的短裙。(單數)

    2、 These are yellow trousers .這些是紅色的褲子。(複數)(劃線部分要會替換)

    3、 He / She is wearing a green sweater .他/她穿著一件綠色的毛衣。

    4、He / She is wearing blue trousers .他/她穿著一條藍色的褲子。

  • 2 # Sine41

    Unit 1

    1.We have a new classroom. 我們有間新教室。

    2、Let's go and see! 我們去看看吧!

    3、-Where is it ? 它在哪兒?

    --It's near the window. 就在窗戶旁邊。

    4、Let's clean the classroom! 我們打掃教室吧!

    5. The door is green.The windows are yellow.門是綠色的,窗戶是黃色的。

    6、Let me clean the windows. 我來擦窗戶。

    Unit 2

    1、Ihave a new schoolbag.我有一個新書包。

    2、-What's in your schoolbag? 你書包裡有什麼?--An English book, a maths book,three storybooksand..一本英語書,一本數學書,三本故事書和……

    3、-What colour is it?什麼顏色的?

    --It's blue and white.是藍白色的。

    Unit 3

    1、--What's his name? 他叫什麼名字?

    -His name is Zhang Peng.他叫張鵬。

    2、He's tall and strong. 他又高又壯。

    3.Who's he? 他是誰?

    4、He has glasses and his shoes are blue.他戴眼鏡,穿藍色鞋子。

    Unit 4

    1.--Is she in the living room? 她在客廳裡嗎?

    --No, she isn't. 不,她不在。

    2、Where are the keys? 鑰匙在哪兒?

    3、--Are they on the table? 它們在桌子上嗎?--No, they aren't.They're in the door.不,不在。它們在門上。


    1、What's for dinner? 晚餐吃什麼?

    2、--What would you like? 你想吃什麼?

    --'d like some soup and bread,please.我想要湯和麵包。(I'd like = I would like)

    3、Help yourself. 隨便吃吧。

    4、--Would you like a knife and fork? 你想要刀叉嗎?--No,thanks. 不了,謝謝。

    5.Ican use chopsticks. 我會用筷子。

    Unit 6

    1、--How many people are there in your family, Chen Jie?你家有幾口人,陳杰?

    --Three. 三口人。

    --My family has six people. 我家有六口人。

    2、--Is this your uncle? 這是你叔叔嗎?

    --Yes,it is.He's a football player.


    3、--What's your aunt's job? 你嬸嬸做什麼工作?

    --She's a nurse. 她是位護士。

  • 3 # 有你輸不起



    What subjects do you/we have this morning/afternoon?

    What subjects do you/we have at school?

    We have Chinese.maths.English

    What's your favourite subject?

    It's maths.

    My favourite subject is science.


    Do you like running?

    Yes,I do./No,I don't.

    What's your hobby?

    My hobby is reading.

    He likes playing the piano.

    She likes dancing.


    It's time for+名詞

    It's time to+動詞



    What season do you like?

    I like winter. I can go skating.

    We have four seasons in a year.

    What about=how about


    Shall we+動詞原形


    How's the weather in+城市?


    It will be+形容詞

    It will+動詞原形


    She/he has.....

    What does he/she do?

    He/she is a/an+職業

    She/he works in a hospital.


    This is Lilei speaking.

    May I speak to Li Ming?Hold on,please.

    Li Ming is speaking.

    I am coming.

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  • 幹豆腐渣怎麼餵羊?