  • 1 # 用戶5435842789945

    Everybody liked him. 大家都喜歡他。 (主動語態)

    He was liked by everybody. 他受到大家的喜歡。(被動語態)



    He broke the cup. → The cup was broken by him.


    He answered me that question. → I was answered that question by him.

    He wrote her a letter. → A letter was written to her. (與動詞write搭配用介詞to)

    She made him a new coat. → A new coat was made for him. (與動詞make搭配用介詞for)

    He gave her some money. 他給她一些錢。

    → She was given some money. / Some money was given to him.

    He bought her a watch. 他給她買了一塊表。

    → A watch was bought for her. / She was bought a watch.


    (1) 一般現在時的被動語態:am [is, are]+過去分詞

    English is taught in our school. 我們學校學英語。

    We are taken good care of at school. 我們在學校受到很好的照顧。

    (2) 一般過去時的被動語態:was [were]+過去分詞

    He was taken to the police station. 他被帶到了警察局。

    The house was built ten years ago. 這座房子是10年前建的。

    (3) 一般將來時的被動語態:will be+過去分詞

    A new building will be built here soon. 不久這裡將建一棟新樓。

    The meeting will be held at two this afternoon. 會議將於今天下午2點舉行。

    (4) 現在完成時的被動語態:have [has]been+過去分詞

    All the work has been done now. 所有的工作現在都做好了。

    Have the letters been posted? 信都寄了嗎?

    (5) 過去完成時的被動語態:had been+過去分詞

    He said the work had been finished. 他說工作已完成了。

    (6) 現在進行時的被動語態:am [is, are] being+過去分詞

    My watch is being repaired by him. 我的表正在由他修理。

    The plan is now being discussed. 計劃現在正在討論。

    (7) 過去進行時的被動語態:was [were] being+過去分詞

    He said that the man was being operated on. 他說那個人正在動手術。

    He told me that a new station was being built. 他說正在修建一個新車站。

    (8) 過去將來時的被動語態:would be+過去分詞

    He said that the meeting would be held next week. 他說會議將於下周舉於。

  • 2 # 火星族的怪先生


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