  • 1 # 筆墨影廣


  • 2 # 真誠喜歡音樂

    My Favourite Singer

    Jay is a good singer. He is very handsome. He has a round face with two small eyes. I like him very much. I often see him in my dreams.Jay’s music is popular. His style is different from other singers. He has many fans. These fans like listening to his music very much. I hope everyone in the world will like Jay, my favourite singer.


  • 3 # 手機用戶95912137366

    I most like the singer Avril Lavigne 我最喜歡的歌手艾薇兒拉維尼


      She moved to the United States 16 years alone, have already started writing music

      17 year old let go "issue" is the official debut. Just made a debut the first album sold 15000000 copies within a year!



      17歲發行《let go》算是正式出道.剛出道第一張專輯一年內就銷售1500萬張!

      Avril is known as the wizard rock and punkqueen艾薇兒被稱為搖滾精靈和朋克女王 This is I most like the singer 這就是我最喜歡的歌手

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