  • 1 # 珠珠mj

    說“Hey Siri”來喚醒Siri,然後可以用英文自然對話,提出你的問題或需求。

  • 2 # 伴你一生


    1. 確保您的Siri設置語言為英語(United States)或其他英語國家的語言。您可以在“設置”應用的“Siri和蒐索”中更改語言。

    2. 按下並保持您的設備的“Home”或側面按鈕,以啟動Siri。

    3. 在Siri喚起後,您可以直接與其進行英語對話。您可以使用一些常用語句,如:

    - “What is the weather like today?”(今天天氣如何?)

    - “What time is it now?”(現在幾點了?)

    - “What are the news updates?”(最新新聞是什麼?)

    - “Can you set an alarm for me?”(可以給我設置一個鬧鐘嗎?)


  • 3 # 花語永恆


    1. 問候語:Hey Siri, how are you doing today?

    回答:I'm doing well, thank you for asking. How can I assist you today?

    2. 蒐索事項:Hey Siri, can you help me find a good Italian restaurant nearby?

    回答:Sure, I can help you with that. Let me search for Italian restaurants in your area.

    3. 詢問天氣:Hey Siri, what's the weather like today?

    回答:According to the weather report, it will be sunny and warm today. The temperature is expected to reach 25 degrees Celsius.

    4. 定鬧鐘:Hey Siri, can you set an alarm for 7 am tomorrow?

    回答:Sure, I've set an alarm for 7 am tomorrow. Is there anything else I can help you with?

    5. 發送信息:Hey Siri, can you send a message to my friend John?

    回答:Sure, what would you like me to say?


  • 4 # 沫是我呀


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