  • 1 # 用戶5435842789945

    1,would/wouldn't have done

    Would/wouldn’t have done表虛擬常用兩種句型(if/but),

    含義:某人會/不會做某事 某事會/不會發生

    I would have helped you, but I didn’t know you needed help.如果我知道你需要幫助,我會去幫你的。(當初沒幫)

    I would have passed the exam if I had worked hard如果我努力學習,我是會通過考試的。(實際沒通過)

    The result wouldn’t have been so bad if you had taken my advice.如果你聽了我的建議,結果不會這麼糟。(實際結果很糟)

    2,could have done

    Could have done表虛擬常用兩種句型(if/but)

    含義:1)某人有能力做某事 某事有機會發生


    I could have passed the exam if I had worked hard.

    I could have passed the exam but I didn’t work hard.如果我努力學習了,我可能就能通過考試了。(沒通過)

    You are so late. You could have called.


    3,might/might not have done

    Might/might not have done表虛擬常用if


    某人可能不會做某事; 某事可能不會發生

    If you had given her more chances, she might have achieved greater progress.如果你當初給了她更多機會,她可能就會取得更大的成績。(當初沒給多機會)

    If you hadn’t given her more chances, she might not have achieved so great progress.如果你當初沒給她更多機會, 她可能不會取得這麼大成績。(當初給了很多機會)


    should/should not have done

    Should/shouldn’t have done表虛擬常單獨使用/用but


    I really shouldn’t have ignored your advice.

    I should have taken your advice, but I didn’t.我當初真應該聽你的(當初沒聽,後悔)

    You should have taken my advice.你當初應該聽我的(當初沒聽,指責)

  • 2 # 今天也要認真看

    虛擬語氣中用could, would, should, might的區別:

    在虛擬語氣中,主句謂語有時用should,有時用would 和could,有時又用 might。它們之間的區別是:should 主要用於第一人稱後;would, might, could 的大致區別是:would 表示結果,might 表示可能性,could 表示能力、允許或可能性。比較:

    第一句:If you tried again you would succeed. 要是你再試一試,你就會成功的。

    第二句:If you tried again you might succeed. 要是你再試一試,你可能會成功的。

    第三句:If you tried again you could succeed. 要是你再試一試,你就能成功了。





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