  • 1 # 唯一8452


    1.The system has the ability to run more than one program at the same time.該系統能夠同時運行一個以上的程序。

    2.The system ran like a well-oiled machine.這個系統運行得就像一臺上了油的機器。

    3.By that time the new system should be up and running.到那時這個新系統應該會運轉起來了。

  • 2 # 迷離的紫悅

    (1)run in the family:if something such as quality, disease or skill runs in the family, many people in that family have it某種品質、疾病、技能等在家族中遺傳,是家族特徵

    例如:Diabetes appears to run in families.


    (2)run a mile:to try very hard to avoid a particular situation or person because you do not want to deal with盡量避而遠之,躲得遠遠的

    例如:If someone asked me to marry them I'd probably run a mile.


    (3)run a red light:to drive quickly through a red traffic light instead of stopping闖紅燈

    (4)run drugs/guns:To bring drugs or guns into a country illegally in order to sell them走私毒品/槍支

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