  • 1 # 唯一8452

    1.There's a time to work and a time to play.工作、玩耍皆有時。

    2.Summer is a time to relax, regroup and catch up on all those things you've been putting off all year.夏天是休養整頓、並處理一年中積壓事務的時候。

    3.The evening walk was a time to shake off the day's upsets and let the worry tracks in my head go to white noise.晚上的散步時間可以讓我擺脫一天中的煩惱,讓我腦子裡的憂慮變成了白噪音。

  • 2 # 自強必盛

    中文意思是做某事的時間,相當於a time for doing 例如,

    Above all, Thanksgiving Day is a time to remember and for giving thanks.最重要的是,感恩節是一個紀念和表達感謝的日子。

    It was a time to mourn and lamentation.這是一個沉痛悼念的時刻。

    The college years are supposed to be a time for important growth in autonomy and the development of adult identity.

  • 3 # 博學的韜仔

    1. I know this might come as a shock, but not everyone operates from an agenda.


    2. Adaptive shock absorbers, fatigue recognition, daytime running lights, Bluetooth, and a new color display all come as standard equipment.


    3. Gabrielle: Okay, this may come as a little shock to you...


    4. I know it must have come as a great shock.


    5. I know this might come as a shock.


    6. This may come as a shock.


    7. The whole thing has come as such a shock to me.


    8. I know this must come as a shock, but I've double-checked the labs.


  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 3周半寶寶該有的認知?