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    Wuyi Mountain is located at the junction of Jiangxi and the northwestern provinces of Fujian. The northern section of the Wuyi Mountains has a total area of 999.75 square kilometers. 翻譯:武夷山,武夷山位於江西與福建西北部兩省交界處,武夷山脈北段東南麓總面積999.75平方公里。 It is a famous scenic tourist area and summer resort in China. It is a typical Danxia landform and is one of the first national key scenic spots. 翻譯:是中國著名的風景旅遊區和避暑勝地。屬典型的丹霞地貌,是首批國家級重點風景名勝區之一。 Wuyi Mountain is a famous mountain of three religions. 翻譯:武夷山是三教名山。 Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, Wuyi Mountain has been the habitat of the plum-flowing Zen family, leaving many sites of the palace, the Taoist temple and the temple. Wuyishan was once the place where Confucian scholars advocated lectures. 翻譯:自秦漢以來,武夷山就為羽流禪家棲息之地,留下了不少宮觀、道院和庵堂故址。武夷山還曾是儒家學者倡道講學之地。

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