  • 1 # 腰上沒腰子

    1. "How can this be?" -- 這是怎麼回事?
    2. "Defying the laws of gravity." -- 逆著地球引力的規律。
    3. "We are all miracles." -- 我們都是奇跡。
    4. "It's true for you and for me, too." -- 這一點對你我也是適用的。
    5. "The sky is the limit." -- 天空是最高限度。
    6. "It only takes one person to believe in you." -- 所需的只是一個人相信你。
    7. "Anything is possible." -- 一切皆有可能。
    8. "Just take a step. One step, then another." -- 只要走一步,然後再走一步。
    9. "Follow your dreams. Don't be afraid to try." -- 跟著你的夢想,不要怕嘗試。
    10. "If we can dream it, we can do it." -- 只要我們想,就能實現它。

  • 2 # 我我我A

    If you don't like where you are…just picture where you wanna be


    2、When given choice between being right and being kind, chooce kind


    3、Because I am your mom, It count the most, because I know you the most.


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