  • 1 # 用戶47989314566311

    句型的特點,這個句型是用來介紹物品或事物位置的。總是用There be(is、are開頭先說這是你的房間,(This is my room.It is not very big but I)例如: Look!This is my room. It is small,but it is very beautiful. There is a picture on the wall.Near the picture,there is a photo of my family mumbers and me.My desk is beside my bed.My desk is blue.Oh!There is a football under the desk.l can play football very well.l like my room very much

  • 2 # 瓏瓏咚咚

    介紹房間物品的60個英語單詞的作文。首先你可以先介紹你自己,然後介紹你們家有多少個房間,你的房間裡面有什麼? Hi, my name is Cindy. There are four rooms in my house. This is my bathroom. There are some flowers in my desk. A picture on the wall. I like to study in my room.

  • 3 # 檸檬不萌等待

    My kitchen is small. 我的廚房很小。

    There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. 廚房裡有個冰箱。

    The refrigerator is white. 冰箱的顏色是白的。

    It is on the right. 它位於房間右側。

    There is an electric cooker in the kitchen. 廚房裡有個電灶。

    The cooker is blue. 電灶的顏色是藍的。

    It is on the left. 它位房間的左側。

    There is a table in the middle of the room. 房間的中間有張桌子。

    The bottle is empty. 瓶子是空的。

    There is a cup on the table, too. 桌子上還有一隻杯子。

    The cup is clean. 杯子很乾淨。

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