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      chase和catch的區別:  catch 強調抓的動作;chase強調追的動作。  一、catch  a.及物動詞 vt.  1.接住,抓住  I'll throw the ball and you catch it.  我扔球你接。  2.逮住,捕獲  The policeman caught the thief.  警察逮住了小偷。  b.不及物動詞 vi.  1.被鉤住,被卡住,被夾住  The kite caught in the electric wires.  風箏鉤在電線上了。  2.燃燒起來  The match won't catch.  這火柴擦不著。  二、chase  a.及物動詞 vt.  1.追逐;追捕;追蹤  The cat chased the mouse.  貓追老鼠。  2.趕出,驅逐  She chased the children from her yard.  她把那些孩子趕出院子。  b.不及物動詞 vi.  1.追逐,追趕;追尋;追求[(+after)]  He never ceased to chase after his dream in his vigorous youth.  在精力充沛的年輕時代他從未停止過追求自己的夢想。  2.匆忙地走,奔跑  She chased all over town looking for a dress in her size.  她為尋找尺寸合身的衣服而滿城奔跑。

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