  • 1 # 元氣花貓9M

    When引導時間狀語從句時,if引導條件狀語從句時,主句時態是將來時態時,從句中時態都用現在時,即“主將從現”。例如:I will go for a holiday when I have enough time and money. 我有足夠的時間和錢時,我就去度假。

    I will stay home if it rains tomorrow.明天如果下雨,我就待在家裡。

  • 2 # 無為1970

    when 和 if 分別引導時間狀語從句和條件狀語從句時,謂語動詞的運用規則符合 主將從現。

    When it rains, we will not go to school.

    If it rains, we will not go to school.

    When you come, we will start cooking.

    If you do well at school, I will reward you.

    If you get As in all subjects, you will graduate.

  • 3 # 知足常樂的霞



  • 4 # 用戶1736844268546567

    主將從現是指在時間狀語從句和條件狀語從句中,如果主句是一般將來時,從句用一般現在時替代一般將來時.if,until,before,after,when等連詞都是可以主將從現.如:I’ll be a nurse and look after patients when I grow up.(主句是一般將來時)Don’t laugh at others when they make a mistake.(主句是祈使句)You should be quiet when you are in the reading room.(主句是含有情態動詞的一般現在時)

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