  • 1 # 唯一8452


    1.Adjust your language to the age of your audience.要根據聽眾的年齡使用相應的語言。

    2.The age of the earth is reckoned at about 4 600 million years.估計地球的年齡大約為46億年。

    3.She entered public life at the age of 25.她25歲時開始了經常拋頭露面的工作。

  • 2 # 姜經志

    age of 前面可以加the。at the age of 是固定搭配,意為“在……歲時”。例如:

    My brother joined the army at the age of eighteen. 我哥哥十八歲參軍。

    需要注意的是:“ at the age of+基數詞”可以和“when sb. was+基數詞”同義句轉換。例如:

    My daughter went to college at the age of sixteen. = My daughter went to college when she was sixteen years old. 我女兒十六歲上大學。

  • 3 # 唯一8452


    1.'The age of corporatism must be put firmly behind us,' he proclaimed.“必須堅決讓社團主義時代成為過去,”他宣布道。

    2.The age of hedonism is being ushered out by a new era of temperance.享樂主義時代正讓位於一個注重節制的時代。

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