  • 1 # 自強必盛

    是compared with,其用法是:

    compared with置於句首的原因:當compare with使用其被動語態

    ,結構是be(am,is are,was,were等) compared with,如果其主語與主句主語相同,則該主語可以省略,同時be動詞也省略,那麼compared with就位於句首

    Today, more than 43 percent of Californians under the age of eighteen are Hispanic, compared with about 35 percent a decade ago.

  • 2 # 老生談笑

    compare…with意為“把……與……相比”,側重指兩者間的區別。 如:Compare this car with that one, and you will find the differences between them. 把這輛汽車與那輛汽車相比較,你就會發現它們之間的區別。

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