  • 1 # 可愛可可愛愛

    There are three butterflies in the garden. One is red, one is yellow, and the last is white.


    2. To have butterflies in one's stomach? ?


    3. There are three butterflies in the garden, one red, one yellow, and another orange.


    4. There are three butterflies in the garden. One is red, one is yellow, one is white.


  • 2 # 騰大教育集團


    1. 努力做某事

    try one's best to do sth →spare no effort to do sth

    make joint / combined efforts to do sth


    go to great lengths to do sth

    devote / commit / dedicate oneself to doing sth

    2. 嘗試做某事

    try to do sth →attempt to do sth = make an attempt to do sth

    have a go at doing sth

    3. 採取有效 / 立即 / 具體 / 相關 / 強有力的行動(措施)做某事

    take effective / immediate / concrete / relevant / forceful action / measures / steps to do sth


    Immediate measures should be taken to address the problem.

    Measures should be taken to address the problem without delay.

    4. 某事很重要

    play an important / vital / essential role (in sth)

    be of vital importance to sb / sth

    類似 be of great value / benefit to sb / sth

    雙重否定表強調:Nothing is of more importance than sth.

    5. 重視某事

    attach (much)importance / significance to sth

    lay emphasis / stress on sth

    stress the importance of sth

    雙重否定:We can never lay too much emphasis on sth

    6. (不能)忽視某事

    turn a blind eye to sth; turn a deaf ear to sth

    By no means should we ignore / neglect / overlook the importance of sth

    7. 傾向於做某事

    tend to do sth →have a tendency to do sth

    There is a tendency for sb to do sth

    8. 可能做某事;某事可能發生

    be likely to do sth

    It is likely that sb / sth will do sth.

    There is a high possibility that… = Chances are that…

    9. 一定會做某事,某事一定會發生

    be bound / sure to do sth

    10. 不得不做某事

    have no choice / alternative but to do sth = can't choose but do sth

    11. 將某事考慮進去

    take sth into consideration / account

    take it into consideration / account that 從句

    12. 將某事牢記在心

    keep sth in mind / keep it in mind that 從句

    13. 認為某事理所當然

    take sth for granted / take it for granted that 從句

    14. 產生積極 / 消極 / 深遠影響 / 副作用

    have positive / negative / far-reaching / side effects on sth

    do / cause (great) harm / damage to sth

    15. 有做某事的權利 / 自由 / 機會 / 動力 / 渴望 / 魔力

    have the right / freedom / opportunity / motivation / desire / magic to do sth

    16. 做某事有困難

    have (great) trouble / difficulty (in) doing sth

    17. 給某人樹立榜樣

    set a good example to sb

    act / serve as a role model to sb

    18. 向某人學習,效仿某人

    follow the example of sb

    follow in the footsteps of sb

    19. 呼籲某人做某事

    call on sb to do sth

    appeal to sb to do sth = make an appeal to sb to do sth

    20. 提高某人對某事的意識

    raise one's awareness of sth = make sb aware of sth

    make sb have a better understanding of sth

    21. 做某事前三思

    think twice before doing sth

    22. 設身處地為某人著想

    put oneself in sb's shoes

    23. 從另一個角度看待某事

    see sth from another angle / a different angle

    24. 某事使某人想起

    sth remind sb of sth

    25. 某事使人深思

    sth set sb thinking

    26. 在一定 / 很大程度上

    to a certain / a large degree / extent

    27. 短 / 長期看來

    in / over the short / long term

    28. 變得越來越流行

    become more and more popular →become increasingly popular = gain increasing popularity

    sth has become a hit

    已經變成風靡一時的流行 / 成功

    29. 問題變得日益嚴重

    The problem is becoming increasingly serious →sth is becoming more of a problem

    sth has become a headache


    30. 隨著某物的發展

    with the rapid development of the Internet / people's living standards

    as the internet is developing at a fast rate

    31. 在一個信息爆炸的世界

    in a world of information explosion

    in the era of globalization


    32. 發自內心地

    from the bottom of one's heart

    33. 全心全意地

    wholeheartedly = heart and soul

    34. 毫無疑問 / 毫不猶豫 / 毫不耽擱 / 毫無保留地

    without doubt / hesitation / delay / reservation

    35. 不管是什麼情況 / 理由

    whatever the situation / circumstances / reason

    regardless of any possible difficulties 不顧任何困難

    36. 關於個人發展

    broaden one's horizons and expand one's scope of knowledge


    boost one's confidence and inspire one's motivation


    enhance one's willpower and contribute to one's future success


    form correct values and morals


    37. 關於該做什麼

    overcome difficulties and conquer obstacles / challenges

    克服困難,征服阻礙 / 挑戰

    resist the temptation and stick to our principles


    share our sorrows and double our joys


    drive away our loneliness and get rid of our tiredness


    cherish what we already possess and pursue what we truly need


    reflect on our mistakes and give thought to ways to correct them




    e.g. Without goals, we would be like ships with no destination, in which case we might end up getting nowhere.


    e.g. It is our heart-warming gestures towards people in need thatcan make a difference to the world we live in.


    1) 否定放句首倒裝

    Not only should we …,but also we ought to do …


    Under no circumstances / By no means / On no account / In no case should we … 我們絕不能...

    2) Only + 狀語放句首倒裝

    Only in this way/by doing sth / when … can we…

    3) So / Such 放句首倒裝,表“如此…以至於…”

    e.g. So shameful are these behaviors that they stain the reputation of China.

    Such a meaningful event is the street store program that I am willing to participate in it.

    4) 讓步狀從的倒裝,表“儘管”

    e.g. Convenient as/though digital reading is, it will not replace traditional reading in a million years.

    5) if虛擬語氣從句中的倒裝

    e.g. Were I a participant of this event, I would appeal to my friends to get involved in it.

    04丨祈使句,+and / or +完整句子

    e.g. Smile at our life, and we are sure to get a smile in return.


    1) There is no doubt that …


    2) There is no denying that…


    3) There is no need to do sth


    4) There is no point / sense in doing sth


    5) It doesn’t make (much) sense to do sth


    6) It is no good/use doing sth


    7) It is high / about time that sb did / should do sth


    8) It is high on the agenda that sb should do sth


    9) The time is ripe for sb to do sth


    10) It goes without saying that …


    11) It is likely that … = There is a high possibility that… = (The) chances are that …


    12) It is not uncommon for sb to do sth; It is not uncommon that sb do sth


    13) It is a must for sb to do sth


    14) What impresses me most is that …


    15) It is not A but B that really counts.


    16) It is A rather than B that make a difference.


    17) It is important / necessary for sb either to do A or do B


    18) This is especially true when it comes to …

    當提到 … 這一點也很適用

    19) (Doing) sth is the key to doing sth


    20) Doing sth is also a good choice / a wise option.

    …也是一個不錯的選擇 / 英明的抉擇


    1) When it comes to ..., I hold the view that …


    2) I applaud / am in favor of / stand up for / can’t agree more with one's viewpoint that …


    3) Every coin has two sides, and sth is no exception.


    4) Just like a double-edged sword, sth has both advantages and disadvantages.


    5) The reasons why … can be listed as follows.


    6) There are many factors that can account for sth


    07丨有文采的詞句表達 (恰當的習 / 諺語,常用的比喻等)

    1) sb / sth has become a household name


    2) a blessing in disguise


    3) stop eating for fear of chocking


    4) look on the bright side (of sth)


    5) Every cloud has a silver lining.


    6) a stepping stone towards success


    7) climb the ladder of success


    8) keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life


    9) Where others see failure, they see possibility. Where others see a closed door they see an open window.

    10) When one door of opportunity closes, another will open.

    11) Every failure is a stepping stone towards success, and we keep learning along the way.

    12) A proper goal is like a lighthouse, guiding us in the darkness towards the right direction.

    13) We can find in real books the peace which has almost disappeared in a chaotic and fast-paced world.

    14) Life is like a winding path surrounded by flowers, butterflies and delicious fruits, but many of us blindly spend much time looking for happiness around the next corner.

    15) Only when we make good use of the precious time can we win the race against time.

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