  • 1 # 用戶7607326165656

    give one 's opinion造句:

    But I can't stand not to give my opinion to women, even when it's bad.


    That is what they say and I don't want to give my opinion about them.


    "I have no right to give my opinion," said Wickham, "as to his being agreeable or otherwise."


  • 2 # 用戶4023845107014172

    give off 放出,釋放 give back歸還,送回 give out 分發 give way讓路,讓步 give away 洩露,分送 give in 交上,投降,屈服 give up 停止,放棄 give rise to引起,使發生 give sb. a hand 助某人一臂之力 give sb. a call 給……打電話 give a talk 作報告 give a lecture (a piano concert) 作講座(舉行鋼琴音樂會) give lessons to給……上課 give sb. a chance 給……一次機會 give a message to…… 給……一個口信 give no answer 沒有回答 give sb. a clap 為...鼓掌 give a concert 舉辦音樂會 give sb. sth. or give sth. to sb. 給某人某物 give sb. lessons 給某人上課 return sth. to sb.= give sth. back to sb. 把某物歸還給某人 give some suggestion 提建議 give in (to sb.) 屈服 give an opinion on 對...發表意見 give expression to表達出,反映 give oneself away 洩露,露馬腳 give oneself up 自首,投降,投案 give over (使)停止;放棄;交託 give way to 讓位於;給...讓路 give ... as an example 舉...作例子 give notice v. 通知 give birth 使誕生;生(孩子) give ear to 聽,傾聽 give one's ears 不惜任何代價(要) give occasion to 引起 give satisfaction使滿意,使滿足 give forth v.發出,發表 give chase 追趕,追擊give and take v.平等交換,互讓,交換意見 give one's best 竭盡全力,盡最大努力 give or take v.允許有...的小誤差 give thanks 感謝,感恩,作感恩祈禱 give care 留意, 用心 give the bounce 解僱[開除, 拋棄](某人), 與(某人)斷絕關系

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