  • 1 # nkraa26922

    “小貓”英語是kitten,音標是英 [ˈkɪtn] 美 [ˈkɪtn] 。kittenn.小貓;小動物vi.產小貓1、The kitten was sleeping curled up on the sofa. 小貓在沙發上蜷作一團睡覺。

    2、The cat picked up her kitten by the scruff of its neck. 貓咬住幼崽的後頸把它叼了起來。

    3、Kitten makes a mistake. 小貓犯了個小錯誤。

    4、Kitten: I will. I will try my best. 小貓:我會的。我會盡自己能力的。5、"The kitten was making noise and Papa said to kill it," I explained. 小貓鬧,爸爸說宰了它。我辯解著。

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