  • 1 # 拇指清風


    字符1: T: "Toshiba" 東芝

    字符2: H: "Multi-chip" 多芯片封裝

    字符3: G: Symbol of Type of flash type "IC" 集成電路

    字符4: A: Symbol of "voltage type" 表示供電電壓類型

    字符5: F: NAND Interface type is "UFS" 閃存接口類型為UFS

    字符6: 4: Unique code of controller revision 內置控制器版本為4

    字符7: G: Memory density calculated by G bits 容量用G bits表示

    字符8: 9: Memory density is 2^9=512G bits (64GB) 2的9次方,512G bits,即64GB

    字符9: N: Symbol of "cell level" (cell technology) 架構為MLC

    字符10: 4: Number of stacked chips is 4 封裝內含堆疊芯片數為4

    字符11: L: Symbol of "Design rule" 15nm (K for 19nm, J for 24nm) 製程為15nm

    字符12-13: BA: Package type is BGA lead free and halogen free 無鉛無鹵素BGA封裝

    字符14: I: Symbol of Mode "industrial version" -25ºC to 85ºC 工業版本

    字符15: R: Symbol of "Package size" 11.5mmx13mmx1.0mm 封裝大小


    1)SLC(Single-Level Cell)為S或H;

    2)DLC(Dua-Level Cell)為D或E【不常見】;

    3)TLC(Triple-Level Cell)為T或U;

    4)MLC(Multi-Level Cell)為B、C、J、K、L、N 等。

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