  • 1 # 一發入魂大奶牛

    英文介紹:Eating Yuanxiao


  • 2 # 東方紅SXy

    The Lantern Festival is cele/pated everywhere on January 15th of the lunar calendar, right after the Spring Festival.每年農曆的一月十五日是華人的元宵節,它正好在春節之後。

    This day is always the first full moon in the lunar New Year.這天是農曆新年裡第一個月圓的日子

    Across China, people cele/pate by hanging up lanterns and festoons, attending dancing and singing performances, making “Yuan Xiao” or sweet rice dumplings and lighting fireworks.


  • 3 # 鴻風景分享



    the Lantern Festival 元宵節

    rice glue ball 元宵

    glutinous rice 糯米

    lions/dragons dancing 舞龍/舞獅

    guess lantern riddles 猜燈謎

    play couplets game 對對聯

    enjoy beautiful lanterns 賞花燈

    snuff 燈花

    exhibit of lanterns 燈會

    dragon lantern dancing 耍龍燈

    walking on stilts 踩高蹺

    land boat dancing 劃旱船

    yangko/yangge dance 扭秧歌

    beating drums while dancing 打太平鼓

    drum dance 腰鼓舞

    fireworks party 焰火大會

    traditional opera 戲曲

    variety show/vaudeville 雜耍

    Lantern Festival's temple fair 元宵廟會

    colored lanterns' temple fair 彩燈廟會

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