  • 1 # 唯一8452

    1.I'm quite happy to wait for you here.我非常高興在此等候您。

    2.The manager will be free soon ─ you can wait for her here.經理很快就有空了——你可以在這裡等她。

    3.They were very obliging and offered to wait for us.他們非常熱情,主動提出等候我們。

    4.I'll wait for you at the meeting point in the arrivals hall.我將在進港大廳的迎接點等你。

  • 2 # 風wings

    wait後面接人時用作不及物動詞,必須加上介詞for才能接人,wait for sb 等某人。比如:Hurry up! I am waiting for you ,Tom.

    Do you wait for my grandparents at weekends?

    當然wait還有一些直接使用的詞語,比如:wait a minute等一會兒,wait and wait等啊等。

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