  • 1 # 靈巧橙子d7Y

    "regard" 是一個常用的英語單詞,意為"看待、看作、視為、重視"。它可以用來表示對某個事物的看法、態度或情感,也可以用於表達尊敬、感激或畏懼等情感。


    1. + noun 表示看待、看作或視為:

    - I regard him as a good friend.(我認為他是我的朋友。)

    - The government regards the problem as a top priority.(政府將這個問題視為首要問題。)

    - She regards herself as a successful writer.(她認為自己是一個成功的作家。)

    2. + verb 表示重視或尊敬:

    - He is regarded as a great poet in his country.(他被認為是他國家的一個偉大的詩人。)

    - The teacher regards the students as his colleagues.(老師將學生視為同事。)

    - The emperor was regarded with awe by his people.(人民對皇帝充滿敬畏。)

    3. + adj 表示狀態或性質:

    - The sun is shining brightly, regarded as a sign of good luck.(Sunny燦爛,被視為好運的象徵。)

    - The building is high and regarded as a symbol of the city's prosperity.(這座建築很高,被視為城市繁榮的象徵。)

    - The patient is in a critical condition, regarded as a life-threatening situation.(病人情況十分危急,被視為危及生命的情況。)

    4. + as + subj 表示認為:

    - I regard her as my best friend.(我認為她是我最喜歡的朋友。)

    - He regarded her as a potential employer.(他把她視為潛在的雇主。)

    - The students regarded the teacher as their guide.(學生們把老師視為他們的向導。)

    "regard" 這個詞還可以用於許多其他搭配,例如:

    - As regards (關於)

    - In regard to (關於)

    - With regard to (關於)

    - In the regard of (關於)


  • 2 # 用戶179897455092

    regard常常與as、to、with等介詞搭配使用,比如regard as(視為),regarded him with suspicion(懷疑地看著他)
    例如 in this regard(在這方面),with regard to(關於),regard for our environment(對我們環境的關注)等

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