

1. 幽靈公主

You cannot alter your fate. However, you can rise to meet it.命運是任何人無法改變的,但你可以面對它。——《幽靈公主》(Princess Mononoke)2. 天空之城

The Earth speaks to all of us, and if we listen, we can understand.地球向我們每個人訴說,只要用心傾聽,就會明白。——《天空之城》(Castle in the Sky)

3. 哈爾的移動城堡

They say that the best blaze burns brightest when circumstances are at their worst.他們說越是惡劣的環境,火焰迸發得才最為明亮。——《哈爾的移動城堡》(Howl's Moving Castle)4. 貓的報恩

Whenever someone creates something with all of their heart, then that creation is given a soul.當一個人用心去創造一樣東西時,它便有了靈魂。——《貓的報恩》(The Cat Returns)5. 魔女宅急便

Just follow your heart, and keep smiling.跟隨你的心,保持微笑。 ——《魔女宅急便》(Kiki's Delivery Service)6. 千與千尋

Once you meet someone, you never really forget them.遇見過的人,此生你不會真的忘記他們。 ——《千與千尋》(Spirited Away)

7. 龍貓

Everybody, try laughing. Then whatever scares you will go away!大家一起放聲大笑吧,那些讓你害怕的東西就會躲一邊了! ——《龍貓》(My Neighbor Totoro)8. 宮崎駿的話

Yet, even amidst the hatred and carnage, life is still worth living. It is possible for wonderful encounters and beautiful things to exist.即便在憎恨和殺戮中,生活也值得人們繼續活下去,為了可能出現的奇妙邂逅和美好的事物。 ——宮崎駿 (Hayao Miyazaki)

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