


歐內斯特·米勒爾·海明威(Ernest Miller Hemingway,1899年7月21日-1961年7月2日),出生於美國伊利諾伊州芝加哥市郊區奧克帕克,美國作家、記者,被認為是20世紀最著名的小說家之一。他一向以文壇硬漢著稱,他是美利堅民族的精神豐碑。海明威的作品標誌著他獨特創作風格的形成,在美國文學史乃至世界文學史上都佔有重要地位。



《喪鐘為誰而鳴》 這是一部承前啟後的重要作品。它寫了國際縱隊的志願人員羅伯特·喬丹為配合一支游擊隊的一次炸橋行動而犧牲的感人故事,這部作品是海明威中期創作中思想性最強的作品之一,在相當程度上克服和擺脫了孤獨、迷惘與悲泣的情緒,把個人融入到社會中,表現出為正義事業而獻身的崇高精神。


Everyone is not an isolated island, a person must be the strongest island in the world before they can become a part of the mainland

——Ernest Miller Hemingway

Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899-July 2, 1961), born in Oak Park, a suburb of Chicago, Illinois, was an American writer and journalist.

One of the most famous novelists of the 20th century. He has always been known as a tough guy in the literary world, and he is a spiritual monument of the American nation.

Hemingway's works marked the formation of his unique style of writing and occupies an important position in the history of American literature and even the history of world literature.

"The Old Man and the Sea" is Hemingway's later work. With this work, he won the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. The work revolves around an elderly Cuban fisherman fighting a huge marlin in the Gulf Stream far away from the shore.

Although the old man described by Hemingway is tragic, he has Nietzsche’s “superman” qualities, accepting failure calmly, and facing death calmly and bravely. These “tough guys” embody Hemingway’s philosophy of life and moral ideals, namely Human beings do not bow to fate, never admit defeat, and have a positive attitude towards life.


"Farewell, Arms" is Hemingway's masterpiece. Taking the war against imperialism as the theme, he revealed the historical reasons for the emergence of the "lost generation" and accused the war of destroying people's ideals and happiness, harming people's hearts, and causing millions of innocent lives.

This work reveals the basic characteristics of Hemingway's prose style and "modern narrative art". The story of the work is simple and the artistic conception is pure, the language is simple and unpretentious, the sentences are short and concise, and the environment description achieves a blend of scenes.

"For Whom the Bell Tolls" This is an important work that connects the past and the future. It writes the touching story of Robert Jordan, a volunteer of the International Column, who sacrificed for a bridge bombing operation by a guerrilla group.

This work is one of the most thoughtful works in Hemingway's mid-term creation. It overcomes and Get rid of the emotions of loneliness, confusion and weeping, integrate the individual into the society, and show the noble spirit of dedicating oneself to a just cause.



  • 民間故事:書生被無賴欺負,想要上吊自盡,白狐:我送你一本奇書
  • 有千年歷史的金幣被發現,最近發現的寶藏和文物