










聖誕期間會迴盪一些經典的聖誕傳統歌曲。增添了節日的氣氛。一般的聖誕歌有《The First Noel 第一支聖誕歌》、《White Christmas 白色聖誕節 》、《Winter Wonderland 冬天的仙境》等。




火雞是北美洲的美味家禽,每隻可重達四五十磅。火雞在烤制前會用各種香料進行醃製,整隻烤制,雞皮呈深棕色,肚子裡還要塞上許多拌好的食物,如碎麵包等。烤火雞是一道菜品,製作原料主要有北美洲的家禽火雞等。烤火雞 在西方人的感恩節和聖誕節餐桌上必不可少的一道菜。人們用於烤火雞的工具,主要是電烤箱或者更原始的木炭。





Merry Christmas

一、Christmas source

An important holiday for Christianity to commemorate the birth of Jesus. Also known as Jesus Christmas, Nativity, Catholic also known as Jesus Christmas Feast. The date of Jesus' birth is not recorded in the Bible. The Roman Church began to celebrate this festival on December 25 in 336 AD. December 25 was originally the birthday of the sun god prescribed by the Roman Empire. Some people think that they choose to celebrate Christmas on this day because Christians believe that Jesus is the righteous and eternal sun. After the mid-fifth century, Christmas as an important holiday became a church tradition and gradually spread among Eastern and Western churches.

二、Christmas customs

1. Dress up the Christmas tree

Western countries will place an evergreen tree at home on Christmas Day, generally in the shape of a tower. This is the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree will be decorated with colorful lights, canes and candies, and under the Christmas tree will also Put a lot of gift boxes.

2. Give each other Christmas gifts

At night, children will hang their socks by the bed as Christmas stockings. Adults will wait for the children to fall asleep and put gifts in the socks. The children will be pleasantly surprised the next morning. The gift will appear in the socks.

3、 sing Christmas songs

Some classic Christmas traditional songs will echo during Christmas. Added a festive atmosphere. General Christmas songs include "The First Noel", "White Christmas", "Winter Wonderland" and so on.

三、Christmas food

1. Roasted Turkey

Turkey is a delicacy poultry in North America, each can weigh up to 40 or 50 pounds. The turkey is marinated with various spices before roasting. The whole is roasted. The skin of the chicken is dark brown, and the stomach is stuffed with many mixed foods, such as crumbled bread. Roasted turkey is a dish, and the raw materials are mainly North American poultry turkey. Roast turkey is an indispensable dish on the Thanksgiving and Christmas tables of Westerners. The tools people use to roast turkey are mainly electric ovens or more primitive charcoal.

2. Christmas salmon

People in the Americas often use smoking methods for Christmas gourmet salmon. The smoking methods are divided into cold smoking and hot smoking. Generally butter and lemon juice are added to the smoked salmon. Christmas gourmet salmon contains high protein and low fat content, which is of great benefit to the human body.

3. Christmas Prosciutto

Smoked baked ham will be coated with a sweet sauce, such as honey or cherry pomegranate sauce. Using these sweet sauces can be perfectly combined with smoked ham. When eating ham, it is often paired with some sweeter sauces or red wine.




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