
蘇倫丹·奈爾(Surendran Nair),印第安人,生於1956年。

Surendran Nair被廣泛認為是印度最偉大的在世藝術家之一。Nair從印度和希臘神話中汲取靈感,使用超現實主義的許多繪畫策略進行繪畫,例如夢境景觀,看似無關的物體的並置,以及象徵性的生物。融合的結果是一種獨特的美學,融合了印度古典的表現手法和類似於勒內·馬格里特(RenéMagritte)和弗朗西斯科·克萊門特(Francesco Clemente)的具象風格。

Trogon, 2017

Oil on canvas

53 × 35 in

134.6 × 88.9 cm

Bhrungaraj Bhairav (Elysium: Cuckoonebulopolis), 2017

Oil on canvas

59 × 42 in

149.9 × 106.7 cm

Vulpes Vulpes Hystrix Flora & Fauna. Cuckoonebulopolis., 2011

Oil on canvas

48 1/2 × 36 in

123.2 × 91.4 cm

Dhanavantari, 2013

Oil on canvas

47 × 41 in

119.4 × 104.1 cm

Untitled (The Bad Behavior Of Singularities. Cuckoonebulopolis), 2004-2018

Oil on canvas

71 × 59 in

180.3 × 149.9 cm

Mallard, 2017

Oil on canvas

35 × 23 in

88.9 × 58.4 cm

Smuor Trishtubh: Aught there or noughtthere lay beyond this perfect realm so dreary; aught there or noughtthere lay besides this lacteous gulf so profound. Sargam, Visargam, and a refrain., 2020

Oil on canvas

53 × 35 in

134.6 × 88.9 cm

Suffrages: Study for a fountain sculpture to be installed at Kuruksetra, 2019

Oil on canvas

82 1/2 × 94 in

209.6 × 238.8 cm

Dabchick-Grebe, 2016

Oil on canvas

53 × 35 in

134.6 × 88.9 cm

Pheasant and a Gobbler

Oil on canvas

70 1/2 × 94 in

179.1 × 238.8 cm

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